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SOCIETIES 225 III. ASTRONOMY*. Astronomical observatories and their publications have been already treated and enumerated in the article OBSERVATORY. The Royal was founded in 1820 under the title of Aslronmn ieal Soett t<i of London, .and was incorporated on 7th March 1831. It occupies rooms in Burlington House, ami has published Memoirs (1822, &c.) and .Monthly Notices (1S31, &c.). There are also societies at Bristol (1SGH), Hearts ; Liverpool (1881) ; and Leipsic, Astrono- mische Ges. (1863), Publ. (1865, &c.)aud Vtorwjdhnaelunfl (is .;<;, &e.). IV. PHYSICS. (1S41-43). Sir W. Siemens was one of the originators of the Society ofT< ' Engineers and Electricians, which was founded in 1871 and registered in 1SS3. It owns the Ronalds library of electricity and magnetism and publishes a Journal. UNITED STATES: Chicago, Amer. Electrical Soc., Journ. (1875). New York, National Telajr. Union, Telegrapher (1864-70). FRANCE: Cambrai, Soc. Mn</- lutique, Ardnves (1845). Paris, Soc. Frang. de Phys. (recognized as of ]>ublic utility on 15th January 1881), Dull. GERMANY: Berlin, Physikalische Ges. (1843), Fortsehritte der Physik (1847, &c.); Elektrotechnisch. Ver. (1S77), Ztschr. (1880, k.c.). Breslau, Physikalischer Ver. Frankfort, Physikalischer Ver.,Jul, ITALY: Naples, R. Amid, delle Sc. Fis. e Matem., Rendic. (1856, &c.) and Atti (1863). Rome, Soc. degli Spettroscopisti Ital. HOLLAND : Rotterdam, Bataufsch. Uenoots'.-i foiidcrvinddijke IVijsbcgeerte, Verhandel. (1774, &c.). V. CHEMISTRY. Pharmaceutical societies are placed in class xiii. (Medicine, &c.). The Chemical Society >/ /.:<>M for the promotion of chemistry and the sciences immediately connected with it was instituted on 23d February 1841 ; a charter of incorporation was obtained in 1848. It publishes Memoirs (1843, &c.) and Quarterly Journal (1849, &c.). Chemistry and its connexion with the arts, and agricultural and technical matters, form the subjects of the Institute of -//-I/, founded on 2d September 1877 and incorporated on 2d October 1877. The Society of Chemical Industry (1881) is specially devoted to the branch of chemical engineers. The Society of Public Analysts publishes the Analyst (1876, &c.). The oldest of the numerous photographic societies is the Photographic Society of Great Britain (1853), which issues a Journal. The Royal College of Chemistry was founded in July 1845, and had a brief career ; it published Reports (1S49). The Cavendish Society was instituted in 1846 for the publica- tion and translation of works and papers ou chemistry. It came to an end in 1872 after having issued 30 vols. UNITED STATES : New York, American. Chemical Soc. (1876), Proc. (1876) and Journ. (1879, &c.). FRANCE : Paris, Soc. Chimique, Bull. (1858, &c.). GERMANY : Berlin, Deutsche Chemische Ges. (1867), Ber. (1868, &c.). Frankfort, Chem. Ges. Jena, Chem. Laborat. Wiirzburg, Chemische Ges. (1872). BOHEMIA : Prague, Spolek Chemiku Ccskych or Soc. of Bohemian Chemist*, Zjinn-i/ or Tnnis. (1*7-', &c.). RUSSIA: St Petersburg, Buss. Chem. and Phys. Soc. at Unit:, Journal (1869, &c.). VI. GEOLOGY, MINERALOGY, AND PALAEONTOLOGY. Among these the Geological Society of London, founded in 1807 and incorporated in 1826, is the largest and most important ; it has published Proceedings (1834- 46), Transactions (1811, &c.), and a Quarterly Journal (1845, &c.). The Geologists' Association was instituted in 1858, and issues Proceedings (1859, &c.). The Mineralogical Society (1876) has united with it the CrysUdlogical Society ; it issues the Mineralogical Magazine (1876, &c.). The Palxontographical Society was founded in 1847 for the delineation and description of British fossils ; it issues Publications (39 vols. 4to, 1847, &c.). The Cornwall Royal Geological Society (1814) devotes special attention to the mining interests of the county, and publishes Transactions (1818, &c.). It holds its meetings at Penzance. In Scotland there are the Geological Society of Edinburgh (1834), which has Transactions (l&'iO, &c.), and the Glasgow Geological Society (1858), which also has Transactions (1860, &c.). The Royal Geological Society of Ireland (1832) is chiefly directed to the geology of the country. It publishes a Journal (1837, &c.). There are also the Geological Associations of Leeds (1874) and Liverpool (1880), Trans., the Societies of Liverpool (1859), P-roc. , Manchester (1838), Trans. , and Norwich (1864), Proc., and the Yorkshire Geological and Technological Society, Proc. (1839, &c.). UNITED STATES: Louisville, Ky., Ohio Falls Geolog. Soc. San Francisco, California State Geolog. Soc. (1S76). FRANCE: Lille, Soc. Geol. du Nord (1870), Annales (1874, &c.). Havre, Soc. Geol. de Normandie, Bull. (1873, &c.). Paris, Soc. Geol. de France (1830, recognized 1832), awards the Prix Viquesnel (40) every three years, Bull. (1830, &c.) and Mem. (1833, &c.) ; Soc. franc, de Miner- alogie (recognized 1886), formerly Soc. Mineral, de France, Bull. Saint-Etienne, Soc. d'Ind. Minerale (1855), Bull. (1855, &c.). GERMANY and AUSTRIA-HUNGARY : Berlin, Deutsche Geol. Ges. (1848), Ztschr. (1S49, &c.). Briinn, Wernerscher Geol. Ver., Jahresber. Darmstadt, Mittelrheinischer Geol. Ver. (1S51), Mittheil (1855, &c.). Dresden, Gebirgs-Ver. (1855). Pesth, Geol. Ver. f. Ungarn. SWITZERLAND: Schweizerische Geol. Ges. (1882), section of Allg. Schw. Ges. Zurich, Schuxiz. Paldontol.Ges.(lS7i),Abhandl.(iS~5, &c.). ITALY: Soc. Geol. Ital., founded at the second International Geological Congress. BELGIUM : Antwerp, Soc. Paleontol. (1857), Butt. Charleroi, Soc. Paleontol. (1863), Documents et Rapports (1806, &c.). Liege, Soc. Geol. de Belgique, Annales (1874, &c.). SWEDEN: Stock- holm, Geologiska Fanning, Forhandlingar (1872, &c.). RUSSIA : St Petersburg, Imp. Russian Mineralog. Soc., Trans. (1830, &e.). ARGENTINE REPUBLIC: Buenos Ayres, Soc. Paleontol. VII. METEOROLOGY. The International Meteorological Congress first met at Vienna in 1873. The Royal Meteorological Society (1850) of London was incorporated in 1866 ; its organ is Quarterly Journal (1873, &c.). To this must be added the British AV /'./// Society and the Scottish Meteorological Society, which holds its meetings at Edin- burgh and issues a Journal (1866, &c.). Port Louis (Mauritius), Mcteorolog. Soc., Trans. (1853, &c.). Paris, Soc. Meteorolog. de France, Annuaire (1849, &c.) and Nouvelles Meteorolog. (1868, &c.). Hamburg, Deutsche Meteorolog. Ges. (1883), Ztschr. Magdeburg, Ver. f. landwirthsch. Wetterkunde (1881). Meissen, Gesellsch. /sis. Vienna, Oesterreich. Ges. f. Meteorol., Zeitschrift (1866, &c.). Modena, Soc. Meteorolog. Ital. VIII. MICROSCOPY. Journal (1S68, &c.) ; and the Postal Ificroteopic Society (1873), also with a Journal, are located in London. There are suburban societies at Baling (1877), Hackney (1877), Highbury (1878), South London (1871), and Sydenham (1871). Amongst 'oc. ofMicroscopists; New York, Microscop. Soc. Brussels, Soc. Beige de Micro- scop. (1875), Proc.-Verb. (1875, &c.) and Annales (1876, &c.). Berlin, Gi-s. f. Mil. r>>- kop. (1877), Ztschr. (1878, &c.). Hanover, Ges./. Mikroskop. (187H), Jahresber. IX. BOTANY AND HORTICULTURE. Linna&n societies, which usually deal with both zoology and botany, are placed in the general class (No. i.). The Congres International d' Horticulture irst met at Brussels in 1864 and the Congres International de Butanique at Amsterdam in 1865. The Royal Botanic Society of London (incorporated 1830) lias gardens in the inner circle of Regent's Park, and issues a Quarterly Record (18bO, &c.). The Royal Horticultural Society (established in 1804, incorporated in 1809) has gardens at Chiswick, and publishes a Journal (1846, &c.)- The chief pro- vincial societies are Aberdeen, North ofScotl. Hortic. Assoc. (1879), Trans. Ar- broath, Hoi-tic. Assoc. (1880). Birmingham, Bot. and Hortic. Soc. (1830), gardens. Dublin, Roy. Hortic. Soc. (1830). Edinburgh, Bot. Soc. (1836), Proc. (1837, &c.) and Trans. (1844, &C.) ; Scottish Arboric. Soc. (1854), Trans.; Cryptogamic Soc. OJ (1875). CANADA: Kingston, Bot. Soc. of Canada (I860), Annals (1861, &c.). UNITED STATES : Boston, Hortic. Soc. (1829). New York, Torrey liotani'-n. Bull. (1870, &c.). l^an Francisco, State Hortic. Soc. FRANCE: Beauvai- d'Hortic. et de Bot. (1864), Bull. (1864, &c.). Bordeaux, Sue. d'Hortic. Chart res, Soc. d'Hortic. et de Viticulture. Chauny, Soc. de Pomologie. Dijon, Soe. d'Hurti*: Fontenay-le-Comte, Soc. d'Hortic. Lisieux, Soc. d'Hortic. et de Bot. (1806), Jlull. (1839), Bull. (1841, &c.). Paris, Soc. Nat. d'Hortic. (1827; declared of public utility 1852), Journal ; Soc. Bot. de France, Bull. (1854, &c.). Rouen, Soc. Centr. d'Hortic. Saint Germain-eu-Laye, Soc. d'Hortic. Senlis, Soc. d'Hortic. Troyes, Soc. d'Hortic, Versailles, Soc. d'Hortic. GERMANY and AUSTRIA-HUNGARY: Berlin, Bot. Ver. (1859), Verhandl. (1859, &c.) ; Deutsche Bot. Ges. (1882) ; Horticult. Ges. Blankenburg, Bot. Ver. Bonn, Bot. Ver. (1818), Jahresber. (1837, &c.). Dresden, Flora-Ges. f. Bot., Mittheil. (1841, &c.). Erfurt, Gartenbau Ver. Frankfort, Gartenbau Ges. Freiburg, Bot. Ver. Gbrlitz, Gartenbau Ver. Gotha, Th u 'mtiVer. Klagent'urt, Karntnerische Gartenbau Ges. Landshut, Bot. Ver. (is<>4). Meiningen, Ver. f. Pomologie u. Gartenbau. Munich, Baierische Gartenbau Ges. Ratisbon, K. Baierische Bot. Ges. (1790), Flora (1818, &c.) and Repertoriutii (1864, &c.). Reutlingen, Pomolog. Inst. Sondershausen, Bot. Ver. Stuttgart, diu-trnliau Ges., Flora. Vienna, K. k. Gartenbau Ges.; Botan. Ver., Verhandl. (1851, &c.). Weimar, Ver. f. Blumistik. Wiirzburg, Bot. Inst., Arbeiten (1871, &c.). ITALY : Milan, Soc. Crittog. Ital. , Atti (1878, &c.). BELGIUM : Federation des Soc. d'Hortic. de Belgique (1860), Bull. Antwerp, Soc. Roy. d'Hortic. et d'Agr.; Soc. Phytologique, Annales (1864, &c.). Bruges, Soc. d'Hortic. et de la Bot. Brussels, Soe. Roy. de Bot. (1862), Bull. (1862, &c.); Soc. Roy. de Flore; Soc. Centr. d' Arboric., [nnales. Liege, Soc. Roy. d'Hortic. HOLLAND: l,ey<len,Nederl.Bot.Vereen. Luxem- . de Bot., Recueil (1874, &c.). Nimeguen, Nederl. Bot. Vereen., Archicj f UUUtQj OW. UO Wl. , JtL(tC(t ^AOJT, VXl^.y. A^ llllt^u^ll, Lltlttrt. Ifvv, (1871, &c.). DENMARK : Copenhagen, Bot. Forcning, Tidsskrift (ISM, &c.). X. ZOOLOGY. Societies dealing with natural history in general, or zoology and botany together, are arranged under class i. The Zoological Society of London (founded D>2i', incorporated 1829) is famous for its collection of live animals in its gardens at Regent's Park. It publishes Proceedings (Svo, 1830, &c.) and Trans- act ions (4to, 1835, &c.). The other metropolitan societies are British Ornitho- logists' Union (1859) ; Entomological Society of London (1833), Trans. (1834, &c.) ; National Fish Culture Association (1883). The Marine Biological Association of Great Britain (1884), for the study of marine food fishes and shell-tish, has a laboratory at Plymouth. The Royal Zoological Society of Ireland (1831) has gardens in the Phoenix Park. There is the British Beekeefters' Asso<-' (1874). AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND : Auckland, Acclimatisation Soc. Bris- bane, Acclimat. Soc. Christchurch, Acclimat. Soc. Melbourne, Zoolog. and A'-tiimat. Soc. of Victoria, Report (1861, &c.). Sydney, Acclimat. Soc. of iY.>'. I!'./?.*, Report (1862, &c.); Entoinolog. Soc. of N.S. II'., Trans. (1863, &c.). Wel- lington, Westlaml Nat. and, Acclimat. Soc. AFRICA: Cape Town, Zool : ;- Port Loui (Mauritius), Soc. d' Acclimat. CANADA : Toronto, Entomolog. Soc. ; !:rs' Assoc. UNITED STATES : Cambridge, Nuttall Omitholog. Club, Quart. Bull. (1876, &e.); and Entomolog Club, Psych-c. (1874, &c.). Cincinnati, Zoolog. Soc. (1874), Report (1875, &c.). Illinois Central Bfekeejicrs" Association. Philadelphia, Zoolog. Soc. (1873), Report (1874, &c.) ; and Amer. Entomolog. Soc., merged in the Acad. of Nat. Sc. Washington, Biolog. Soc. ; and Entomolog. Soc. FRANCE: Alais, S"c. !>', Bull. (1876, &c.). Amiens, Soc. d' Apiculture, Bull. (1875, &c.). Cler- mont, Soc. Centr. d'Apicult., Bull. (1875, &c.). Lille, Inst. Zoolog. a H'imereu.r, Travaux (1877, &c.). Paris, Soc. Nat. d'Acclimat. (1854), Bull. Mensuel (1854, &c.) and Chron. Bimens. (1875, &c.); Soc. Zoolog. de France, Bull. (1876, &c.); Soc. Entomolog. de France; and Soc. de Biologie, Comptes Rendus (i860, &c.). GERMANY and AUSTRIA-HUNGARY: U'anderversammhnigDeutscherBienenzuchter, Verhandl. (1856, &c.). Bendorf, Akklimat.-Ver. Berlin, Akllimat.-l'er. (1856), Zeitschr. (1858, &c.); Central-Inst. f. Akklimat., Mittheil. (1859, &c.) ; Deutsche Zoolog. Ges. ; Deutsche Ornithologen-Ges. (1845), Ber. (1850, &c.) ; Deutsche Fisch- erei Ver., Publikat. (1871, &c.); Deutsche Entomolog. Ges. (1856), Entomolog. Zeitschr. (1857, &c.) ; Ver. zum Beford. des Seidenbaues, Jahresber. (1869, &c.); Physiolog. Ges., Verhandl. (1877, &c.). Breslau, Physiolog. Inst., Studien (1861, &.C.) ; Ver. f. Schles. Insektenkunde, Zeitschr. (1847, &c.). Brunswick, Deutsche Omitholog. Ges. Carlsruhe, Badischer Ver. f. Gefliigelzucht, Monatsblatt (1872, &c.). Frankenberg, Bienenwirthschaftl. Haupt-Ver., Sachs. Bienenfreund (1865, &c.). Frankfort, .Zootoff. Ges., Der Zoolog. Garten (1860, &c.); Deutsche Malako- zoolog. Ges., Jahrbuch. (1874, &c.)and Nachrichtsblatt (1869, &c.). Halberstadt, Dtitttche Omitholog. Ges.; Halle, Omitholog. Central-Ver. Hamburg, Zoolog. Ges., Ber. (1S62, &c.). Hanover, Bienenmrthschaftl. Central-Ver., Centralblatt (1865, &c.). Leipsic, Sachs. Seidenbau. Ver., Zeitschr. (1868, &c.). Munich. Entomolog. Ver. (1876); Fischerei Ver., Mittheil. (1876, &c.). Nordlingen, Ver. Ik-utitfher Bienenwirthe, B.-Zeitung (1845, &c.). Ratisbon, Zoolog. -Mineralog. Ver. (see class i.). Stettin, Omitholog. Ver. (1873), Jahresber. (1873, &c.) ; Entomolog. Ver. (1837), Ent. Zeitung (1840, &c.). Triest, Zoolog. Inst. u. Zoolog. Station, Arbeiten(lS~8, &c.). Troppau, Schles. Bienenzucht-Ver. (1873). Vienna, Entomolog. Ver. ; Embryolog. Inst., Mittheil. (1871, &c.) ; Omitholog. Ver. Wiirz- burg, Zoolog.-Zootomisches Inst. (1872), Arbeiten (1874, &c.). SWITZERLAND : Bern, Schieeiz. Entomolog. Ges. Geneva, Assoc. Zoolog. du Leman; Soc. Omith- olog. Suisse (1865), Bull, (1866, &c.). ITALY : Casale, Soc. Bacologiva, Iioll._ (18t>ti, Rome, Soc. di Pisicolt. Ital. (1872). BELGIUM : Antwerp, Soc. Roy. de Zoologie. Brussels, Soc. Roy. de Zoologie; Soc. Entomolog. de Belgique (1855), Annales and Bull. (1857, &c.) ; Soc. Malacolog. (1863), Annales (1863, &c.) and Proces-Verb. (1872, &c.). HOLLAND: Amsterdam, K. Zoolog. Genootschap " Natura Artis Magistra," Jaarboekje (1852, &c.) and Tijdschr. (1863, &c.). The Hague, Nederl. Entomolog. Vereen., Tijdschr. (1857, &c.). Rotterdam, Nederl. Ditrkundige Vereen., Tijdschr. (1874, &c.). NORWAY : Bergen, Selskabetfor Koraf* I it SWEDEN: Stockholm, Entomolog. Forening. RUSSIA: Moscow, AooUane St. Petersburg, Russian Entomolog. Soc. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC : Buenos Ayres, Soc. Zoolog. Argentina, Period. Zoolog. (1875, &c.); Soc. Entomolog. Argent. XXII. 29