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226 SOCIETIES XI. ANTHROPOLOGY. Transactions (1859-0!)), and the Anthropological Society (18(53), which issued Memoirs (1803-69) aud the Anthropological Review (186-1-70). The Institute brings cut a Journal (1871, &c.). UNITED STATES: AshtdbvJa Anthropolog. Soc. New York, Amer. Ethnolog. Soc., Trans. (1845-53) and B'ull. (1860-61); Anthropolog. Inst., Journ. (1871, &c.). Washington, Anthropolog. , Soc. FRANCE: Paris, .Soc. d' Anthropolog ic (1859 ; re- cognized 1S04), Hull, and Mem. (I860, &e.) ; Soc. d'Ethnogr., Annuaire(lS62, &c.) ana llevue (1869, &c.); Soc. des Traditions Populaires (188(5), Revue. GERMANY and AUSTRIA-HUNGARY : Berlin, Ges. f. Anthropolog ie, &c. (1869), Ztschr. (1870, the Ver. tier Erdk. Munich, Ges. /. Anthropolog. (1870), Jieitr. (1876, &c.). Stuttgart, Anthropolog. Ges. Vienna, Anthropolog. Ges., Mittheil. (1870, &c.). ITALY: Florence, Soc. Ital. di Antropologia, Archivio (1873, &c.). SWEDEN: XII. SOCIOLOGY (Economic Science, Statistics, Law Education). The international societies are the Association Internationale pour Ie Progres des Sciences Sociales and the Congres International de Statistiijue, which first met at Brussels in 1853. Both have issued Comptes Rendus. The Congres International de Bienfaisance may be traced to a suggestion at the Congres Pe.nilentiaire held at Frankfort in 1847. The first meeting took place at Brussels in 1850. The Rational Association for the Promotion of Social Science (1857) had united with it in 1864 the Society for Promoting the Amendment of the Law. It holds a yearly migratory meeting, and publishes Transactions (1858, &c.) and Social Science (1866, &c.). The Statistical Society (1834), with a Journal (1839, &c.); Political Economy Club (1821) ; Cobden Club (1866), for the diffusion of the political and economical principles with which Cobden's name is associated, having various publications; Institute of Actuaries ; Institute of Chartered Accountants (1880); and the Institute of Bankers (1879) meet in London. There are also the Man- chester Statistical Society (1833), with Transactions ; the Actuarial Society of Edinburgh (1859) ; and the Social and Statistical Society of Ireland (1847), with a Journal, at Dublin. After the INNS OF COURT (q.v.), the most important of English legal societies is the Incorporated Law Society of the United Kingdom (1827, incorporated 1831) ; it began courses of lectures for students in 1833, and was appointed registrar of solicitors ten years later, and obtained supple- mentary charters in 1845 and 1878 ; it lias fifty provincial law societies in association. The Verulam Society (1846) published a few books and came to an end. The Selden Society for the promotion of the study of the history of law was established in 1SS7. The headquarters of the Association for the Reform and Codification of the Law of Nations are in London, but conferences are held in various Continental towns. The Institute of Patent Agents (incor- porated 1882) issues Transactions. The Juridical Society of Edinburgh (1773) lias published five editions of a Complete System of Conveyancing. The Ascham Society was founded in 1879 for the improvement of educational methods; and the Society for the Development of the Science of Education (1875) issues Transactions. UNITED STATES: Boston, Amer. Assoc. for Promotion of Soc. Sc.; Amer. Statist. Assoc., Collections (1847, &c.). New York, Soc. for Polit. Education, Pull. FRANCE : Grenoble, Soc. de Statist. (1838), Bull. (1840, &c.). Marseilles, Soc. de Statist. (1827), Repertoire (1837, &c.). Paris, Soc. Int. des Etudes Pratiques d'Econ. (1856, recognized 1869); La Reforms Soc.; Soc. Fran, de Statist. Univ. (1829), Journal issued jointly with Acad. Nat. since 1849 ; Soc. de Statist, de Paris (1860, recognized 1869), Journ. (I860, &c.); Soc. de legislation Comparee (1869 recognized 1873), Bull., Annuaire de Leg. Prang., and Ann. de Leg. Etran.; Soc. pourl'Instr. Element. (1815, recognized 1831), Bull. St Maixent, Soc. de Statist, des Deux- Sevres. GERMANY : Berlin, Volkswirths. Ges. (1860), Volkswirths. Zeitfragen (1879, &c.); Ver.f. deutsche Volkswirths. (1876), Ztschr. (1880, &c.) ; Ver.f. Forde- rung d. Handelsfreiheit (1878), Mittheil. (1879, &c.) ; Ver. f. d. Statist. ; Jurist. Ges. (1859), Jahresber. (1863, &c.). Dresden, Statislischer Ver. (1831), Mittheil. Frank- fort, Statistische Ges.; Juristische Ges. (1806), Rundschau (1867, &c.). Laibach, Jurist. Ges. Leipsic, Ver. f. wiss. Pddagogik, Jahrbuch and Mittheil. BELGIUM : Brussels, Ligue de I Enseignement (1864), Bull. ; Soc. Centr. des Instituteurs Beiges (1860), Le Progres. HOLLAND: Amsterdam, Ver. voor de Statist, in Nederland, Jaarboekje (1849, &c.) and Jaarcijfers (1S82, &c.). SPAIN : Madrid, Junta Estadist. RUSSIA : Moscow, Juridical Soc. St Petersburg, Pedagogical Soc. EGYPT : Cairo, Bureau Central de Statist. JAPAN : Tokio, Statist. Soc. XIII. MEDICINE, SURGERY, &c. The first meeting of the Congres Medical International was held at Paris in 1867 ; a Bulletin has been issued annually since 1808. The Proceedings of the British National Veterinary Congress date from 1881. The Royal Colleges of Physicians and of Surgeons of London, Edinburgh, and Dublin do not come within our scope. The Medical Society of London (1773) is the oldest in the metropolis ; it has issued Memoirs (1787-1805), Transactions (1810, &c.), and Proceedings (1872, &c.). The other London societies include the Abernethian Society (1795), which issues Proceedings ; British Dental Association (1879), with a Journal (1880, &c.); British Gynecological Society (1884); British Homoeopathic Association (1859), with Annals (1860, &c.) ; British Medical Association (1832), which lias more than forty home and colonial branches, and publishes British Medical Journal (1857, &c.) ; Clinical Society (1867), with Transactions; Dermato- logical Society (1882) ; Epidemiological Society (1850), with Transactions (1805, &c.) ; Hahnemann Publishing Society (1852), Materia Medica (1852, &c.) ; Harveian Society (1831) ; Homoeopathic Association (1845) ; Hunterian Society (1819) ; New Kydenham Society (1858), which publishes Biennial Retrospect (1867, &c.), and translations and reprints of books and papers of value, succeeded the Old Syden- ham Society (1844-57), which issued 40 vols. ; Obstetrical Society (1858), with Trans- actions (1860, &c.) ; Odontological Society (1856), with Transactions (1858, &c.) ; Ophthalmological Society (1880); Parkes Museum (1876), founded in memory of the services of Dr. E. A. Parkes to sanitary science ; Pathological Society (1840) Transactions ; Pharmaceutical Society (1841), with museum, which has a branch at Edinburgh, Pharmaceutical Journal (1842, &c.); Physiological Association (1876), Journ. of Physiology (1878, &c.) ; Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society (1805 ; charter 1834), with library, and Transactions (1809, &c.) and Proceedin/js (1857, &c.); Sanitary Institute (1876), the council of which appoint examiners ; Society of Medical Officers of Health (1850), Transactions. The provincial societies are very numerous and include Birmingham, Midland Med. Soc. (1848). Dublin, Acad. of Med. in Ireland (1882), Trans. (1883, &c.). Edinburgh, Roy. Med. Soc. (1737 ; charter 1778) ; Harveian Soc. (1752) ; Medico-Ch'mirg. Soc. (1821), Trans. (1824, &c.); and Soc. (1840). Glasgow, Medico-Chirurg. Soc. (1866), based upon Med. Soc. and Med.-Chirurg. Soc. (both 1814). Manchester, Med. Soc. (1834). AUSTRALIA: Melbourne, Meil. Soc. of Victoria, Austr. Med. Journ. (1850, &c.). CANADA: Montreal, Union Mid. du Canada, Revue (1872, &c.); Canada Med. Assoc., Trans. (1877, &c.). INDIA: Bombay, Med. and Physical Soc., Trans. (1838, &c.). Calcutta, Med. Soc., Trans. (1883, &c.). UNITED STATES: Amer. Pub. Health Assoc., Reports (1873, &c.) ; Amer. Dental Assoc., Trans. (I860, &c.); and Amer. Inst. ofHonuxop., Trans. (1878, &c.). The State medical associations include those of Alabama, Trans. (1809, &c.); Georgia, Trans. (1873, &c.) ; Maine, Trans. (1853, &c.); Missouri, Trans. (1851, &c.); and South Carolina, Trans. The State medical societies include those of Arkansas, Trans. (1877, &c.); California, Trans. (1870, &c.) ; Illinois, Trans. (1851, &c.) ; Kansas, Trans. (1867, &c.) ; Michigan, Trans. (1869, &c.) ; Minnesota, Trans. (1874, &c.) ; Nebraska, Trans. (1809, &c.) ; New Jersey, Trans. (1859, &c.) ; Pennsylvania, Trans. (1851, &c.); Rhode Island, Trans. (1877, &c.); Texas, Trans. (1S74) ; and Wisconsin, Trans. (1880, &c.). To these have to be added the following town associations. Albany, Med. Soc., Trans. (1807, &c.). Balti- more, Med. and Chirurg. Faculty of Maryland, Trans. (1806, &c.). Boston, Amer. Gynxcolog. Soc., Trans. (1876, &c.) ; Mass. Medico-Legal Soc., Tratis. (1878, &c.). New York, ^4cad. of Med., Trans. (1847, &c.) and Bull. (1800, &c.) ; Mi-d. Soc., Trans. (1815, &c.); Medico-Chirurg. Soc., Trans. (1878, &c.); Amer. Surg. Assoc., Trans. (1883, &c.) ; Medico-Legal Soc., Sanitarian (1873, &c.); Amer. Ophthalmolog. Soc., Trans. (1865, &c.). Philadelphia, Amer, Med. Assoc., Trans. (1848, &c.); Med. Soc., Trans. (1850, &c.); Obstet. Soc., Trans. (1869, &c.); Amer. Pharm. Assoc., Proc. ; Patholog. Soc. Richmond, Med. Soc., Trans. (1871, &c.). FRANCE : Besangon, Soc. de Med. (1845), Bull. (1845, &c.). Bordeaux, Soc. de Med. (1798), Journ. (1829, &c.) ; Soc. de. Pharm. (1834), Bull. (1860, &c.) ; Soc. de Mid. et de Chirurg. Caen, Soc. de Med. (1799 ; known by its present name since 1875), Annie Med. (1876, &c.). Chambery, Soc. Med. (1848), Comptes Rend. (1848, &c.) and Bull. (1859, &c.). Grenoble, Soc. de Med. et de Phann. Havre, Soc. de Pharm. (1858), Mem. Lille, Soc. Centr. de Med. (1845), Bull. (1846, &c.). Lyons, Soc. Nat. de Med. (1789), Le Lyon Med. (1869, &c.). Marseilles, Soc. de Med. (1800), Comptes Rend. (1820-53) and Le Mars. Med. (1869, &c.) ; Soc. Med.-Chirurg. (1872). Paris, Soc. de Med. Pratique Q.SQ6), Bull. ; Acad. Nat. de Med. (1820) ; Soc. de Chirurg. (1843, reorganized 1859), Mem. (1847, &c.) and Bull. (1848, &c.) ; Soc. A not. , Bull. (1826, &c.) ; Soc. Clinique, Bull. (1877, &c.) ; Soc. Med. des Hopitaux, Bull. (1849, &c.) ; Soc. Med. Legale; Soc. de Pliarm., Journ. (1810, &c.) ; Soc. de Therapeutique ; Soc. Fran, de Hygiene ; Soc. Centr. de Med. Veterinaire. Rouen, Soc. de Med. (1821), Union Med. (1801, &c.) ; Soc. Libre des Pharmaciens (1802), Bull, Toulouse, Soc. de Med. (1804), Bull, and Revue (1867, &c.). Tours, Soc. Med. (1801). GERMANY and AUSTRIA-HUNGARY: Deutscher Aerztevereinsbund (1872), Verhandl. ; Central Ver. d. Zahndrzte (1859), Mittheil. ; D. Veteriniirrath (1874); D. Apotheker-Vcr. (1820), Archiv (1822, &c.). Berlin, Ver.f. Heilkunda (1832), Magazin (1835, &c.) ; Ges. f. Geburtshiilfe u. Gymekologie (1876), Ztschr. (1877, &c.) ; Ges. /. lleilkunde (1855) ; Berl. Med. Ges. (1860), Verhandl. (1865, &c.) ; Physiolog. Ges. (I860), Verhandl. (1877, &c.) ; D. Ver.f. Med. Statist ik (1868); Ver. Homoop. Aerzte (1871), Ztschr. (1882, &c.); D. Ges. f. Chirurgie (1872), Verhandl. Bonn, Verband der Aerztl. Vereine (1865). Breslau, Ver. f. Physiolog. lleilkunde (1848), Ztschr. (1850, &c.) ; Verbandd. Schles. Aerzte-Ver. (1878). Cologne, Rhein. Med.-Chirurg. Ver. (1848), Organ (1852, &c.). Darmstadt, Aerztl. Kreisver. (1844). Dresden, Ges. f. Natur- u. Heil-Kunde (1818), Jahresber. (1848, &c.). Erlangen, Physik.-Med. Soc. (1808), Kilzungsber. (1870, &c.). Frankfort, Aerztl. Ver. (1845), Jahresber. (1857, &c.). Hamburg, Aerztl. Ver. (1816). Hanover, Ver. Analyt. Chemiker (1878). Heidelberg, Ophthal. Ges. (1857). Konigsberg, Ver. f. wiss. lleil- kunde (18.31). Leipsic, Med. Ges. (1829); Ges. f. Geburtshiilfe (1854), Mittheil.; Homoop. Central-Vcr. (1829). Magdeburg, D. Chirurgen-Ver. (1844), Ztschr. (1847, &c.). Munich, Aerztl. Ver. (1833), Int.-Blatt (1854, &c.). Strasburg, Soc. de Med. (1842), Mem. (1850, &e.); Soc. Vcterin. (1804). Stuttgart, Wiirttemb. Aerztl. Ver. (1831), Corr.-Blatt. (1832, &c.); Hahnemannia (1868), Mittheil. (1873, &c.); Apotheker-Ver. (1822), Pharm. Wochenblatt (1861, &c.). Vienna, K. k. Ges. der Aerzte, Ztschr. (1844, &c.). Weimar, Med.-Naturwiss. Ver. (1863). Wiirzburg, Physikal.-Med. Ges. (1849), Verhandl. (1800, &c.). SWITZERLAND : Geneva, Soc. MM. Zurich, Soc. deMed. ; Schu-eiz. Apotheker-Ver. ITALY: Bologna, Soc. Med.- Chirurg. Genoa, Accad. Med. Chirurg. Milan, Soc. Ital. d'Igiena. Modena, Sor. Med.-Chirurg. Naples, Real. Accad. Med.-Chirurg. Rome, R. Istit. Fisico-Pato- logico. Turin, Accad. Real. Med.-Chirurg. BELGIUM : Antwerp, Soc. de Med. (1839), Annales. Brussels, ^4cad. Roy. de Med. (1841), Bull. (1841 , &c.) and Mem.; Soc. Roy. de Pharm (1856), Bull.; Soc. Anal. Pathalog. (1857), Annales i Soc. Beige, de Med. Ilomceop. Ghent, Soc. de Med. (1834), Annales. Liege, Soc. Med. Chirurg. HOLLAND: Amsterdam, Genootschap ter Bevordering der Genees- en Ifeel-Kunde, Verhandel. (1841, &c.); Nederl. Maatschappij ter Bevord. dr Phar- macie. Ba.tnvia(Jiwa.),GeneeskundigeVereeniging. DENMARK: Copenhagen, A'. Med. Selskab; Veterinaer Selskab. NORWAY : Christiania, Med. Selskab. SWEDEN: Stockholm, Farmaceutiska Inst. SPAIN and PORTUGAL : Lisbon, Soc. de Sc. Med.; Soc. Pharm. Lusitana. RUSSIA: Dorpat, Pharm. Soc. Moscow, Phys.- Mcd. Soc. Riga, Soc. of Practical Physicians. St Petersburg, Soc. of Practical Physicians; Imp. Pharm. Soc. Warsaw, Med.-Chirurg. Soc. GREECE: Athens, Soc. Med. TURKEY : Constantinople, Soc. Imp. de Med.; Soc. de Pharm. CENTRAL and SOUTH AMERICA : Buenos Ayres, Asoc. Med. Caracas, Escuela Med. Guadalajara (Mexico), Soc. Med. Merida (Mexico), Soc. Med. Mexico, Acad. de Med. ; Soc. Med. Monte Video, Soc. de Med. Santiago, Soc. Med. JAPAN : Tokio Soc. for Adv. of Med. Sc., Trans. (1885, &c.). XIV. ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE. The principal English society dealing with mechanical science is the Institu- tion of Civil Engineers (established in 1818, incorporated in 1828), which pub- lishes Transactions (4to, 1836-42) and Minutes of Proceedings (8vo, 1837, &c.). George Stephenson was the first president of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, which was founded at Birmingham in 1847, removed to London in 1877, and registered under the Companies Act in 1878. It holds mifrat.nrv Mie iron tuut, otttt j nxnit<i<: iaavj, wini j /it/tootn//to , unu .jit. t/t(/iy.o j rtottMWM//* (1868, incorporated in 1881), which publishes Transactions and holds profes- sional examinations; and the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain (1S06) also tjlasgow (18i)/, W1U1 1 ransaciwns), JUKI iiesuoruugu ^ Tyne (1852, incorporated in 1876, with Transactions). The leading architectural society is the Royal Institute of British Architects, founded in 1834, incorporated in 1837, and granted a new charter in 1SS7. It appoints examining professional boards and publishes Transactions (1836 ; 1879, &c.) and Proceedings (1879, &c.). There are also the associations of Birmingham it a liii-ti/tniiry oj .mere IB aiso a oocwy vj Jirvm KCK. UNITED STATES : Kaston, Pa., Inst. of Mining Engineers. New York, Amer. Soc. of Civ. Eng., Trans. ; Amer. Inst. of Min. Eng. ; Amer. Inst. of Architects. FRANCE : Lyons, Soc. Acad. d'Arch. (1830), Annales (1867, &c.). Paris, Soc. des Inyenieurs Civil*, Mfm. (1818, &c.); Soc. Cent, des Architectea, BttW.(1861, &c.) and Annales (1875, &c.) ; it has held a congress since 1875. Saint- Etienne, Soc. de I' Industrie Min. (1855), Bull. GERMANY and AUSTRIA-HUNGARY: Berlin,