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Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 5.djvu/741

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1130. Innocent II. pope. Anacletus II. anti-pope. Roger II., count of Sicily, receives title of king from Anacletus, and makes Palermo his capital. Abbey-church of Cluny consecrated by Innocent II. Conference between Innocent and Lothaire at Liége; St Bernard present. Heloise becomes abbess of the Paraclete.
1131. Death of Baldwin II., king of Jerusalem; Fulk of Anjou, his son-in-law, succeeds.
1133. Innocent II. re-established at Rome by Lothaire. Lothaire crowned emperor by the Pope, who is again expelled by Anacletus. Count Roger takes the title of king of Sicily.
1134. Death of Alphonso I., king of Navarre and Aragon, and separation of the kingdoms. Arnold of Brescia begins to preach about this time.
1135. Death of Robert II., duke of Normandy, in Cardiff Castle. Stephen (of Blois) king of England.
1137. Louis VII. (le Jeune) king of France, married to Eleanor of Guienne before his accession. King Roger driven out of Italy by Lothaire. Death of Lothaire. Pandects of Justinian discovered at Amalfi. Birth of Saladin.
1138. Conrad III. emperor. Roger king of Sicily takes the Pope prisoner, and compels him to confirm him in his kingdom. Death of Anacletus, and end of the schism. David, king of Scotland, invades England, and is defeated at the battle of the Standard (Northallerton). Civil war in England between adherents of Stephen and Maud.
1139. Portugal erected into a kingdom for Count Alphonso Henriquez. Malachy, bishop of Connaught, visits Clairvaux and Rome. Tenth General Council (second of the Lateran). Arnold of Brescia condemned and banished from Italy. Henry of Blois, bishop of Winchester, papal legate in England.
1140. Council of Sens, Bernard gets Abelard condemned. Abelard appeals to the Pope. Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin introduced.
1141. Interdict laid on France by Innocent II. King Stephen taken prisoner by Robert of Gloucester at the battle of Lincoln. Maud received as “Lady of England.” Winchester burnt.
1142. Maud besieged in Oxford by Stephen. Death of Abelard. Henry the Lion duke of Saxony.
1143. Manuel Comnenus emperor of the East. Celestine II. pope. On submission of Louis VII. the interdict on France is raised.
1144. Lucius II. pope; he concludes a treaty with Roger of Sicily. The primacy of the church of Toledo confirmed by the Pope.
1145. Maud withdraws from England. Conquests of Noureddin, sultan of Aleppo. Eugenius III. pope.
1146. Second Crusade proclaimed by the Pope; preached by St Bernard. Invasion of Greece by king Roger; Thebes and Corinth plundered. Assembly at Vezelai; Louis VII. takes the cross. Arnold of Brescia heads insurrection at Rome, and expels the Pope. The Almohades enter Spain.
1147. Suger, abbot of St Denis, appointed regent of France. The Crusaders, led by Conrad and Louis VII., arrive at Constantinople. St Bernard pleads in behalf of the Jews. Suppression of the Henricians in Languedoc.
1148. The Crusaders reach Jerusalem, unsuccessfully besiege Damascus, and return to Europe.
1149. Recovery of Corfu from Saracens by the Emperor Manuel.
1150. Compilation of canon law completed by Gratian (begun by Ivo of Chartres, 1114). Noureddin conquers Edessa. Peter the Lombard writes his Sentences. Large silver terrestrial globe made by Edrisi for Roger of Sicily about this time. Almanac first published by Solomon Jarchi.
1151. Death of Geoffrey of Anjou. Invasion of Hungary by Manuel; peace, 1153.
1152. Eleanor of Guienne, divorced by Louis VII., marries Henry, son of Maud (Henry II. of England). Frederick I., Barbarossa, emperor of the Romans.
1153. Treaty between Stephen and Henry. Malcolm IV. king of Scotland. Anastasius IV. pope. Death of St Bernard.
1154. Henry II. (Plantagenet line) king of England. Death of Roger of Sicily. Noureddin takes Damascus and makes it his capital. Louis VII. marries Constance of Castile. Invasion of Italy by Frederick Barbarossa. Adrian IV. (Nicholas Breakspeare) the only English pope.
1155. Rome laid under interdict by the Pope. Diet at Roncaglia. Arnold of Brescia banished by the Romans, strangled and burnt by order of the emperor. William I. of Sicily excommunicated and deprived of part of his kingdom by the Pope. Henry II. authorized by the Pope to undertake the conquest of Ireland. Thomas Becket chancellor of England. Coronation of Frederick Barbarossa at Rome.
1156. William of Sicily makes peace with the Pope. The margraviate of Upper Austria erected into a duchy. Death of Peter the Venerable, abbot of Cluny.
1157. Invasion of Poland by the emperor. The bank of Venice instituted. Munich founded by Henry the Lion. Diet at Besançon.
1158. Invasion of Lombardy by the emperor. Siege of Milan. Diet of Roncaglia. Henry II. visits Louis VII. at Paris.
1159. Expedition of Henry II. against Toulouse. War with France. Alexander III. pope. Victor IV. anti-pope.
1160. Council of Pavia convoked by the emperor for recognition of Victor. Excommunication of the emperor by Alexander. The Albigenses begin to attract attention about this time. Condemnation and branding of German heretics at Oxford.
1161. Peace between England and France. Pope Alexander III. received by the two kings.
1162. Destruction of Milan by the emperor. Becket archbishop of Canterbury; he resigns the chancellorship. Gilbert Foliot bishop of London.
1163. Hungarian war renewed by Manuel.
1164. The Constitutions of Clarendon subscribed. Council of Northampton. Flight of Becket. Becket at Sens and at Pontigny. Banishment of Becket's friends by Henry II. Third invasion of Lombardy by the emperor. Pascal III. anti-pope.
1165. William I., the Lion, king of Scotland.
1166. Zeugmin stormed by Manuel. Becket at Vezelai excommunicates his enemies. Fourth invasion of Italy by the emperor.
1167. War between Henry and Louis till 1169. The Lombard League formed. The League defeats the emperor at Legnano.
1168. Calixtus III. anti-pope. Victory of Manuel over Hungarians at Zeugmin. End of the war. The Lombard League put to the ban by the emperor.
1169. Meeting of Henry and Louis at Montmirail respecting Becket. Excommunication of Gilbert Foliot, bishop of London, by Becket. Invasion of Ireland by Strongbow. Another meeting of Henry and Louis at St Denis.
1170. Formal reconciliation of Henry II. and Archbishop Thomas at Freteval. Assassination of the archbishop at Canterbury, Dec. 29. Birth of St Dominic. Peter Waldo begins preaching at Lyons about this time.
1171. Henry II. invades Ireland, and is acknowledged king at Council of Cashel. Conquest of Egypt by Shiracouh and Saladin, generals of Noureddin. End of the Fatimite caliphs. War between Manuel and the Venetians till 1174.
1172. Absolution of Henry II. at Council of Avranches.
1173. Civil war stirred up by the king's sons in England and Normandy. Saladin sultan of Egypt. Canonization of Archbishop Thomas by Alexander III.
1174. Canonization of Bernard by Alexander III. Fifth invasion of Italy by the emperor. Siege of Alexandria. Henry II. does penance at the tomb of St Thomas of Canterbury, July 12. William the Lion captured at Alnwick by Ranulph de Glanville, July 12; he is released after doing homage to Henry for the kingdom. Damascus taken by Saladin.
1175. The bull of Adrian IV. promulgated in Ireland. The Scottish prelates refuse canonical obedience to the archbishop of York.
1176. Victory of the Milanese over Frederick at Legnano (Como). Great Council at Northampton; the six circuits of the judges established. The Carthusian order approved by the Pope. Victory of Kilidy Arslan, sultan of Iconium, over Manuel at Myriokephalon. John of Salisbury bishop of Chartres.
1177. Earl John named Lord of Ireland; the country partitioned for completion of the conquest. Meeting of the Pope and the emperor at Venice; absolution of the emperor. Saladin defeated at Ramla by Renaud de Chatillon.
1178. Reconciliation of Henry II. and Louis VII. The heretics of Toulouse excommunicated and banished by the legate. Innocent III. anti-pope.
1179. Eleventh General Council (third of the Lateran). Crusade against the Albigenses sanctioned. Pilgrimage of Louis VII. to the tomb of St Thomas.
1180. Philip II., Augustus, king of France. Alexius II., Comnenus, emperor of the East. Henry the Lion, duke of Bavaria, deprived of all his dominions at Diet of Wurzburg. Carthusian monks in England.
1181. William the Lion excommunicated, and Scotland laid under interdict, by Alexander III. Lucius III. pope. First assize of arms in England.
1182. Birth of St Francis. Edessa taken by Saladin. The Jews banished from France.
1183. Treaty of Constance between the emperor and the confederate towns of Italy, confirming their privileges. Amida and Aleppo taken by Saladin. Andronicus I., Comnenus, emperor of the East.
1184. Reconciliation of the sons of Henry II. at Council of London.
1185. Urban III. pope. Thessalonica taken by the Normans. Isaac II., Angelus, emperor of the East. The crown of Jerusalem offered to Henry II. by the patriarch of Jerusalem and the grand master of the Templars, and refused.

1186. Guy of Lusignan, king of Jerusalem. Revolt of Bulgaria. Second Bulgarian kingdom founded. Marriage of Henry, king of the Romans, with Constance, heiress of Sicily.