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Page:Encyclopædia Britannica, Ninth Edition, v. 5.djvu/742

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1187. Battle of Tiberias (Hattin),—victory of Saladin over the Christians. Capture of Jerusalem by Saladin. End of the Latin kingdom. Gregory VIII. pope two months. Clement III. Third Crusade.
1188. The Emperor Frederick and the kings of France and England take the Cross. The “Saladin tenth” imposed.
1189. Siege of Acre begun. Frederick sets out on the crusade. Richard I king of England. Massacre of Jews in London.
1190. The order of Teutonic knights founded. Richard and Philip meet at Vezelai, and set out for the crusade. Tancred king of Sicily. Frederick twice defeats the sultan of Iconium, and takes the city. Frederick drowned in Asia Minor. Henry VI. emperor.
1191. Marriage of Richard I to Berengaria. Capture of Acre by the Crusaders. Celestine III. pope. Return of Philip to France. Victory of Richard at Arsoof. Naples besieged by the emperor. Coronation of Henry VI. and Constance at Rome. Destruction of Tusculum.
1192. Guy of Lusignan titular king of Cyprus. Jerusalem threatened by Crusaders. Truce with Saladin. Arrest of Richard on his return by Leopold, duke of Austria. Usurpation of Earl John.
1193. Richard before the Diet of Haguenau. Death of Saladin. Marriage of Philip Augustus with Ingeburga of Denmark.
1194. Liberation and return of Richard. Richard defeats Philip at Freteval. Conquest of the Two Sicilies by the emperor, who is crowned king at Palermo. Birth of Frederick II. Llewelyn ap Jorwerth prince of Wales.
1195. Battle of Alarcos, Alphonso VIII. of Castile defeated by Saracens. Alexius Angelus emperor of the East.
1196. Marriage of Philip Augustus with Agnes of Meranie.
1197. Château Gaillard built by Richard I
1198. Innocent III. pope. Philip of Swabia (Hohenstauffen) emperor. War with his rival, Otto of Brunswick. Richard defeats the France|French at Gisors.
1199. Five years' truce between England and France by mediation of the Pope. John king of England. His nephew Arthur supported by Philip Augustus. Bohemia erected into a kingdom. Markwald, general of the emperor Henry VI., twice excommunicated by the Pope.
1200. Universities of Bologna and Paris founded before this time. Interdict laid on France by Pope Innocent III. Marriage of Louis of France to Blanche of Castile. Riga founded. Strife of Guelf and Ghibelline in Florence begins about this time. Layamon writes his Chronicle of Britain (the Brut).
1201. Council of Soissons. Death of Agnes of Meranie.
1202. Fourth Crusade under Baldwin, count of Flanders. Waldemar II., the Victorious, king of Denmark. War between France and England. Death of Abbot Joachim about this time. Conquest of Sicily (except Messina) by Markwald completed. Death of Markwald. Zara taken by Crusaders.
1203. Capture of Constantinople by Crusaders. Inquisition founded by Innocent III. as commission for conversion of the Albigenses. Murder of Arthur by King John.
1204. Loss and re-capture of Constantinople by Crusaders. Baldwin first Latin emperor of the East. Capture of Château Gaillard and conquest of Normandy from the English by Philip Augustus. Empire of Trebizond erected for Alexius Comnenus.
1205 (1193 ?). Birth of Albertus Magnus (died, 1280). Baldwin I. defeated and taken prisoner by the Bulgarians.
1206. Jenghiz Khan proclaimed sovereign of Mogul and Tatar tribes. Mogul Empire. Theodore Lascaris crowned emperor of Nicæa (elected at Constantinople 1204). Henry of Hainault Latin emperor of the East.
1208. England placed under interdict by Innocent III. Crusade against the Albigenses proclaimed by him. Otto IV. acknowledged emperor after murder of Philip.
1209. Franciscan order founded. King John excommunicated by the Pope. Otto crowned at Rome.
1210. Council of Paris condemns, burns, and forbids reading of Aristotle's Metaphysics. Alliance of the emperor Henry with the sultan of Iconium against Theodore. Invasion of China by Jenghiz Khan.
1211. Otto excommunicated by the Pope. Pandulph legate in England.
1212. Frederick ll. crowned emperor of the Romans. The Children's Crusade. Battle of Navas de Tolosa,—victory of the kings of Castile, Aragon, and Navarre over the Moors.
1213. King John of England becomes the Pope's vassal. Second invasion of China by Jenghiz Khan. Battle of Muret.
1214. Birth of Roger Bacon (died, 1294 ?). Battle of Bouvines, defeat of Emperor Otto IV. by Philip Augustus. Death of William, the Lion, king of Scots; Alexander II. succeeds him.
1215. Siege and capture of Peking (Yen-king) by Jenghiz Khan. The Great Charter signed by King John. Twelfth General Council (fourth of the Lateran). Dominican order founded. Coronation of Frederick II. at Aix-la-Chapelle.
1216. Honorius III. pope. Henry III. king of England. Confirmation of the Great Charter.
1217. Fifth Crusade under Andrew, king of Hungary. Hubert de Burgh justiciary of England. Matthew Paris enters Benedictine order at St Albans (died, 1259). Michael Scot, translator of Aristotle, living at Toledo. Peter of Courtenay emperor of the East. Order of Friar Preachers founded.
1218. Trial by ordeal formally abolished in England. Death of Otto. Battle on the Jaxartes between Jenghiz Khan and the Kharismians. Death of Simon de Montfort.
1219. Damietta taken by Crusaders. Robert of Courtenay emperor of the East.
1221. Conquest of Khorassan and Persia by Jenghiz. Dominican and Franciscan friars arrive in England. Birth of Bonaventura (died, 1274). Death of Dominic.
1222. The Golden Bull, basis of Hungarian liberties, signed by Andrew II.
1223. Louis VIII. king of France.
1224. University of Naples founded by Emperor Frederick II. Peter de Vinea chief adviser to Frederick about this time.
1226. Louis IX. (St Louis) king of France. The Lombard League renewed against Frederick II. Death of Francis.
1227. Gregory IX. pope. Birth of Thomas Aquinas (died, 1274). Death of Jenghiz Khan.
1228. Sixth Crusade under Frederick II. Death of Stephen Langton, archbishop of Canterbury. Canonization of Francis by Gregory IX. Baldwin II. emperor of the East; John of Brienne his colleague and guardian during minority, 1229 to 1237.
1229. Treaty between Sultan El Kamel and Frederick II. Jerusalem given up to the Christians. Council of Toulouse establishes the Inquisition in Languedoc.
1231. Translation of the Almagest by command of Frederick II.
1233. Edmund Rich archbishop of Canterbury (died, 1240). Robert Grosseteste bishop of Lincoln (died, 1253). Gregory IX. intrusts the Dominican Order with sole direction of the Inquisition.
1234. Canonization of Dominic by Gregory IX. Promulgation of new code of the Decretals by Gregory.
1235. Isabella of England married to Frederick II. Canonization of Elizabeth of Hungary.
1236. Invasion of Russia and sack of Moscow by Tatars.
1237. Conrad IV. king of the Romans. Battle of Corte Nuova.
1238. Marriage of Simon de Montfort to Eleanor, sister of Henry III.; the earldom of Leicester given to him.
1239. Frederick II. makes his son Enzio king of Sardinia. Herman von Salza grand-master of the Teutonic knights. Moorish kingdom of Granada founded.
1240. Birth of Cimabue (died, 1302). Frederick invades States of the Church; Crusade against him proclaimed. Carmelite monks in England.
1241. Celestine IV. pope; dies before consecration. Death of Waldemar II. of Denmark. Enzio captures Genoese fleet, with cardinals, bishops, &c. Death of Empress Isabella.
1242. Battle of Taillebourg,—St Louis defeats Henry III.
1243. Innocent IV. pope, after nearly two years' vacancy.
1244. Treaty between the Pope and the emperor.
1245. Thirteenth General Council (first of Lyons). Deposition of the emperor by the Pope. Death of Alexander of Hales.
1246. Canonization of Archbishop Edmund (Rich) by Innocent IV.
1248. Seventh Crusade under St Louis. Inquisition introduced in Spain. Siege of Parma.
1249. Alexander III. king of Scots. Death of Peter de Vinea. University College, Oxford, founded.
1250. St Louis defeated and captured by the sultan of Egypt; released in a month. Conrad IV. emperor. His claim opposed by William, count of Holland. The Mamelukes become masters of Egypt. Manfred regent of Sicily. College of the Sorbonne founded. Gunpowder probably invented about this time.
1252. Alphonso X. king of Castile. The Alphonsine Tables completed. English laws introduced in Wales.
1253. The Jews expelled from France.
1254. Alexander IV. pope. Birth of Marco Polo (died, 1324).
1255. Inquisition introduced in France. Königsberg founded by the Teutonic knights. Submission of the Two Sicilies to Manfred.
1257. Richard, earl of Cornwall, and Alphonso X. of Castile rival emperors of the Romans.
1258. Siege and capture of Baghdad by Tatars under Hulaku Khan. Extinction of the caliphate (Abbasides). “Provisions of Oxford” passed by the “Mad Parliament.” Manfred crowned king of Sicily.
1259. Kublai khan of the Moguls. Manfred excommunicated.
1260. Appearance of the Flagellants in Italy. Manfred master of Tuscany.

1261. Urban IV. pope. Manfred again excommunicated. Capture of Constantinople by Michael Palæologus. End of Latin Empire of the East.