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1484. Birth of Zwingli. (died, 1531). Innocent VIII. pope.
1485. Battle of Bosworth, August 22. Henry VII. (house of Tudor) king of England. Capture of Vienna by Matthias Corvinus. Birth of Sebastiano del Piombo (died, 1547).
1486. Rising of Lambert Simnel. Cape of Good Hope discovered by Bartolomeo Diaz. Henry VII. marries Elizabeth of York.
1487. Defeat and capture of Simnel at battle of Stoke. Birth of Miles Coverdale. Conquest of Austrian states by Matthias. Defeat and capture of the khan of Kasan by Ivan III. Zizim, brother of Bajazet II., kept prisoner by the Pope till 1495.
1488. James IV. king of Scotland. Disturbances in Flanders. Imprisonment of Maximilian at Bruges. Revolt of French princes. Battle of St Aubin. Grand Swabian League formed (dissolved, 1533). Birth of Andrea del Sarto (died, 1530).
1489. Treaty between Charles VIII. and Maximilian. Maximilian recognized by the Flemish towns as regent. Marriage (by proxy) of Maximilian to Anne of Brittany. Cyprus acquired by Venice. The Pope deposes Ferdinand of Naples. Death of John Wessel (born, 1420).
1490. The marriage of Maximilian annulled. Death of Matthias Corvinus. Austria recovered by the emperor. Birth of Hugh Latimer about this time.
1491. Treaty of Presburg between the emperor and Ladislas of Hungary. Marriage of Charles VIII. with Anne of Brittany. Duchy of Brittany annexed to crown of France.
1492. Granada taken by Ferdinand V. End of the Moorish dominion in Spain. The title of “Catholic” conferred on Ferdinand by the Pope. Expulsion of Jews from Spain. Death of Lorenzo de' Medici. Alexander VI. pope. Columbus sails on his first voyage, August 3; lands on San Salvador, October 12. Variation of the compass observed by Columbus. Invasion of France by Henry VII. Treaty of Etaples. Appearance of “Perkin Warbeck” in Ireland. Terrestrial Globe (“World-Apple”) constructed by Martin Behaim.
1493. Birth of Paracelsus (died, 1541). Maximilian I. emperor. Treaty of Narbonne. Treaty of Senlis. Second voyage of Columbus. Bull of Alexander VI., fixing “line of demarcation” between Spanish and Portuguese possessions.
1494. Expedition of Charles VIII. to Italy. Discovery of Jamaica by Columbus. Savonarola restores popular government in Florence. Negotiations between the Pope and the sultan. Poyning's Law (Ireland) passed. Persecution of the Lollards of Kyle.
1495. Death of Cardinal Mendoza. Treaty between the Pope and Charles VIII. Charles enters Naples. Battle of Fornova. Treaty of Vercelli. Naples re-entered by Ferdinand II.Perkin Warbeck” invades England. Birth of Holbein (died, 1543).
1496. Evacuation of Naples by the French.
1497. Newfoundland discovered and the mainland of America reached by the Cabots. The Cape of Good Hope doubled by Vasco di Gama. Excommunication of Savonarola. “Perkin Warbeck” captured. Birth of Melanchthon (died, 1560).
1498. Louis XII. king of France. Savonarola hung and burnt, May 23. Third voyage of Columbus · the mainland of America reached. Death of Torquemada.
1499. Marriage of Louis XII. with Anne of Brittany. Conquest of the Milanese by the French. The mainland of America reached by Ojeda and Amerigo Vespucci. Execution of “Perkin Warbeck.” Lepanto seized by the Turks.
1500. Birth of Charles the Fifth. Brazil discovered by Pinzon. Triumphal entry of Cæsar Borgia into Rome. Insurrection against the French at Milan. Sforza betrayed by the Swiss at Novara. The Aulic Council established. Germany divided into six circles; into ten in 1512. Birth of Benvenuto Cellini (died, 1571).
1501. Conquest of Naples by Louis XII. and Ferdinand the Catholic; they quarrel about partition of the kingdom; war lasts till 1504. Marriage of Arthur Tudor with Catherine of Aragon. Expulsion of the Moors from Spain. Columbus brought home in chains.
1502. Marriage of James IV. of Scotland with Margaret Tudor. Fourth voyage of Columbus. Treaty of peace between Turks and Venetians. University of Wittenberg founded.
1503. Battle of Cerignola. The French driven from Naples by the Spaniards. Pius III. pope; on his death, Julius II. Borgia driven from Rome. Birth of Robert Stephens (Estienne) (died, 1559).
1504. The Spanish conquest of Naples completed by the capture of Gaeta by Gonsalvo of Cordova, January 1. Treaty of Blois, between Louis XII., Maximilian I., and Archduke Philip. Alliance between Julius II., Louis, and Maximilian. Death of Queen Isabella. Baber becomes king of Cabul. Birth of Parmigiano (died, 1540).
1505. Baber conquers Candahar. Christ's College, Cambridge, founded. Birth of John Knox. Treaty of Blois between Louis and Ferdinand. Marriage of Ferdinand with Germaine de Foix. Colet dean of St Paul's.
1506. Concord of Salamanca, between Ferdinand and Philip king of Castile. Death of Columbus, May 20. Madagascar discovered by Almeida. Birth of George Buchanan (died, 1582). First stone of St Peter's at Rome laid, April 18.
1507. Margaret of Austria governess of the Netherlands. Reforms in the empire established at Diet of Constance.
1508. Unsuccessful expedition of Maximilian to Italy. The League of Cambray formed between the Pope, the emperor, and the king of France, against Venice, December 10. Birth of Alva.
1509. Henry VIII. king of England, April 22; his marriage with Catherine of Aragon, June. Wolsey almoner to the King. Conquest of Oran by Cardinal Ximenes. Excommunication of the Venetians by Julius II. Battle of Agnadello. Pisa sold to Florence. Capture of Padua by Venetians. Unsuccessful siege of Padua by Maximilian. Birth of Calvin (died, 1564.) Albuquerque, governor of the Indies.
1510. Reconciliation between the Pope and the Venetians. Death of Cardinal d'Amboise. Conquest of Cuba by Spaniards. Louis XII. holds a national council at Tours. Luther visits Rome. Goa stormed by Albuquerque. Portuguese settlement in the Moluccas. University of Alcala founded by Ximenes.
1511. Capture of Mirandola by Julius II. The Holy League between the Pope, Ferdinand, and Venice. · League between Ferdinand and Henry VIII. against France. Council of Pisa. Malacca taken by Albuquerque. Baber acquires Bokhara and Samarcand.
1512. Selim I. sultan of the Ottomans. Siege and sack of Brescia by Gaston de Foix. Battle of Ravenna, death of Gaston. Death of Giorgione (born, 1477). Nineteenth General Council (fifth of the Lateran) opens May 3. League between James of Scotland and Louis XII. War between England and France. Julius II. excommunicates Louis, and lays interdict on France. The Trinity House founded about this time. Conquest of Navarre and incorporation with Castile. Birth of Tintoretto (died 1594.) Birth of Vasari (died, 1574.)
1513. Leo X. elected pope, March 11. Battle of the Spurs. Siege and capture of Terouenne by Henry VIII. Battle of Flodden, James IV. defeated and killed. Capture of Tournay. Christian II. king of Denmark. Balboa, “silent upon a peak in Darien,”[1] first sees the Pacific Ocean, September 25. Persecution of Reuchlin by the Inquisition. Louis XII. makes peace with the Pope.
1514. Death of Anne of Brittany. Truce between Louis and Ferdinand. Peace between England and France. Marriage of Louis with Mary of England, Oct. 9. Peace between England and Scotland. Wolsey made archbishop of York.
1515. Francis I. king of France, January 1; regency of his mother Louisa. French invasion of Italy. Battle of Marignano. Subjugation of the Milanese. Meeting of Louis X. and Francis I. at Bologna. Concordat signed and the Pragmatic Sanction abolished. Wolsey created cardinal and appointed chancellor. Birth of Roger Ascham (died, 1568.) First part of the Epistolæ Obscurorum Virorum published (second part, 1517). Death of Botticelli (born, 1447).
1516. Death of Ferdinand the Catholic, January 23. Charles I. king of Spain. Regency of Ximenes. Treaty of Noyon, between Charles and Francis I. Treaty of London,—league against France. Peace of Brussels, between the emperor, Francis I., and the Venetians, December 4. The “Perpetual Peace” between France and the Scots. Barbarossa, sultan of Algiers. More's Utopia published.
1517. Council of the Lateran closed, March 16. Sale of Indulgences authorized by Leo X. Tetzel in Germany. Luther's Theses published, October 31. Death of Ximenes, November 8. Sovereignty of the Mamelukes in Egypt overthrown by Selim I. Fernao d'Andrada visits China. Birth of John Foxe (died, 1587.) Death of Fra Bartolommeo (Baccio della Porta) (born, 1469). Death of Francia (born about 1450).
1518. Wolsey made papal legate. Treaty between Francis I. and Henry VIII. Luther before Cajetan at Diet of Augsburg. Luther condemned by the Pope; appeals to General Council. Zwingli preacher at cathedral of Zurich.
1519. Death of Maximilian I., January 12. Charles I. of Spain elected emperor (Charles V.), June 28. Disputation of Luther and Dr Eck at Leipsic, JuneJuly. Mexico taken by Cortez, November. Magdalen College, Cambridge, founded.
1520. Visit of Charles V. to England. Meeting of Henry VIII. and Francis I. on the Field of the Cloth of Gold, June. Bull of Leo X. against Luther, June. Cortez leaves Mexico, July. Luther burns the bull, December 10. Soliman II., the Magnificent, sultan of the Ottomans. Massacre of Stockholm by Christian II., November. Magellan enters the Pacific Ocean, November 28.
1521. Luther excommunicated, January 3. Luther at the Diet of Worms, April. Carried off to the Wartburg. Execution of the duke of Buckingham. Excommunication of Francis I. Treaty of Bruges. Belgrade taken by Soliman. Henry VIII. writes against Luther and receives the title of Defender of the Faith. Gustavus Vasa administrator of Sweden. Siege and capture of Mexico by Cortez, May to August. Milan recovered from the French. Death of Leo X., December 1. Ladrone and Philippine Islands discovered by Magellan. The Log mentioned. Melanchthon's Loci Communes published.