Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/147

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hay, pha̍k-ta-tsháu. haystack, tsháu-khṳ̂n.

hazard, thèng-tsãu-hùe; phòng-tsãu-hùe; kiâⁿ-hiám hiau-hẽng; hiau-hẽng. hazardous, huang-hiám; ngûi-hiám; m̄-ún-tǹg; m̄-thó-tàng.

hazy, mông-bū; mông-in; im-bū; in-bū; bū-bū; hûn-bū; huat-bū; huat-mông.

he, i; hṳ́-kâi-nâng.

head, thâu; thâu-khak. off, tuah-tńg. -dress, thâu-tshah; tsang; tá-tsang. wind, nge̍k-huang; thêⁿ-thâu-huang; tùi-thâu-huang. headache, thâu-khak thiàⁿ; thâu-khak kok-kok-kiè. band, hâ-jiàu-se; hia̍h-ûi; hia̍h-tsôiⁿ-ûi. head man, thâu-nâng; tso̍k-tiéⁿ; pó-chiàⁿ. of a firm, tsō-suaⁿ; hâng-tsú. heady, thèng-tàⁿ thèng-ûi. headlong, tshou-kip. headstrong, chip-áu; kien-phiah. hang down the head, thâu hẽ-hẽ. lift up, thâu iâng-iâng; thâu-khak tièⁿ-phû. cut off, tsám-thâu.

heal, ui; ui-pēⁿ; tî-pēⁿ; ui-tî. entirely, ui-tshuân-zú. as a wound, tshng-kháu seⁿ-bûa; sieⁿ-kháu seⁿ-bûa.

health, phêng-an; bô-iãng; uaⁿ-jiên; khin-sang; pìn-sin zû-zuán. injure, sieⁿ-sún--tie̍h sin-hūn. healthy appearance, chia̍h-khṳ̀ hó.

heap, a, tun; che̍k-tun; che̍k-tu. heap up, tun-mue̍h; tun-chek; tha̍h--khí-lâi.

hear, thiaⁿ; thiaⁿ-kìⁿ. I don't hear, thiaⁿ-m̄-kìⁿ. hard of hearing, hĩⁿ lâng. hearsay, hong-bũn; zṳ́-bũn; thiaⁿ-kìⁿ nâng-tàⁿ. hear but pay no attention, lāu tùi-hĩⁿ--kò kùe.

hearken, secretly, tá-thèng; thàm-thiaⁿ; thau-thiaⁿ (as eaves-dropper).

heart, sim; sim-kuaⁿ; sim-thâu; sim-tn̂g; sim-tī; sim-tshâng; sim-sèⁿ (disposition); sim-chhêng (the affections and desires). having no heart for anything, ià-ià ien-sîn ien-sîn. -ache, sim-kuaⁿ thiàⁿ. beating, sim-kuaⁿ pok-pok-thiàu; sim-kuaⁿ phû-phû-tshúan. with the whole, tsuan-sim. with one, che̍k-sim; tâng-sim; tsôi-sim. heartless, bô-sim; bô-nâng-chhêng. heartburn, ūi-kháu m̄-siau. to affect the heart, tõng-sim. to keep one's heart from evil thoughts, siu-khî hùang-sim.

hearth, tsàu; húe-lôu. cricket, tsàu-koi.

heat, húe-khì; jie̍t-khì; zua̍h-khì. to heat over a flame, nãⁿ; hang. water, hiâⁿ-sie-tsúi; un-sie-tsúi; pû-sie. food, tim-sie. red-heat, sie âng-âng.