Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/148

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heave, anchor, khí-tèng; khie̍h-tèng; po̍ih-tèng; chhiû-tèng. a sigh, tháu-khùi.

heaven, thiⁿ; thien. in, tõ-thiⁿ-téng. all under, thiⁿ-ẽ (used for China). justice of, thien-lí. heaven-daring, táⁿ pau-thiⁿ. swear by, chí-thiⁿ mêng-sī; tng-thiⁿ chiù-tsūa.

heavy, tãng. load, tãng-tàⁿ (on shoulder); tãng-tsāi (in boat). heart, sim-kuaⁿ-thâu teh-tōa-chie̍h (feeling of responsibility); iu-ut (sad). sleep, tōa-gu̍t (also used for death); gu̍t tsùi-tsùi; u̍t chhim-chhim.

hedge, chhì-phè; chhì-lî; chhì-ûi; hn̂g-lî; hue-uãng-lî (of cactus); hn̂g-kài.

heed, take, kṳ́n-sín; tsṳ́-sòi; sié-sim. any one, thiaⁿ-nâng-tàⁿ. heedless, tshou-sim; bô-ēng-sim; ló-tshó (careless work).

heel, kha-ãu-teⁿ. of shoes, ôi-teⁿ. on woman's shoe, kia̍h-thô. down at the heels, ta̍h-tó-teⁿ. take to one's heels, tsáu.

heifer, gû-kiáⁿ; gû-eⁿ.

height, what is the? ũ-jie̍h-kûiⁿ? jie̍h-kûiⁿ?

heir, sṳ̂-tsṳ́; ãu-sṳ̂. apparent, thài-tsṳ́. heirless, tso̍h-sṳ̂; bô-ãu. heritage, zûi-ngia̍p. to fall heir to one's father's property, sêng-chiap pẽ-ngia̍p. fall heir to the throne, kì-chiap sṳ̂-ūi; téng-sêng uâng-ūi; teng-ki; chiet-ūi.

hell, tī-ge̍k. to go to, tîm-lûn tī-ge̍k; lo̍h-tī-ge̍k.

helm, tõa; búe-tõa. take the, lia̍h-tõa; hūaⁿ-tõa. unship, in shallow water, pài-tõa. raise higher, chhèng-tõa. shaft of, tõa-thâu. blade, tõa-siám. put up the, tháu. put down the, khan. helmsman, tãi-kong. tiller, tõa-gê. tiller-ropes, tõa-lêng.

helmet, thâu-khue; thih-mâuⁿ.

help, pang-tsõ; sie-hũ; hũ-tsõ; pang-chhiú; tô-lông; siang-pang; pang-tsān. up, hû--i khí--lâi; khan-hû; khan-thî; khan-kũaⁿ. to get office, thî-pua̍t. in difficulties or dangers, kiù-chì; chín-kiù; chín-chì; si-chì. help! help! kiù--a! kiù--a! kiù-miāⁿ! kiù-miāⁿ! to call for, hàm-kiè-kiù. no help for it, bô-pōu. no help but to, bô-nãiⁿ-hô; bô-khó nãiⁿ-hô; put-tit-íⁿ; bô-ta-uâ; bô-ta i-ûa. help a man to prosper, chhiâⁿ-nâng-hó. helpless, bô-kiù; chĩn-thâu-lêng.