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1921 ORIGINAL PAPAL BULLS AND BRIEFS 557 Alexander VI (1492-1503) 239. Corneto, 12 November 1493. Mandate to provost of St. Mary's, Namur, and dean of St. James's, Louvain, to inquire into case of Walter Huts, scholar of Louvain University, against Belia Cluts ; the said Walter having appealed to Holy See against judgement of abbot of St. Gertrude's. Alexander. Holes (2) for threads of bulla. ■ Sua nobis dilectus '. Harl. Ch. 75 E. 2. 240. Rome, St. Peter's, 15 March 1495/6. Mandate to abbots of St. James's, Erfurt (' Scottorum Erfurden.'), and St. Giles's, Brunswick, to try suit of Johann Harmesborch de Gronaw, priest, diocese Hildesheim, against certain persons of the same diocese, he having alleged that owing to their power he is unable to proceed against them at Hildesheim. Alexander. Holes (2) for threads of bulla. ' Conquestus est nobis '. Add. Ch. 19553. 241. Rome, St. Peter's, 13 February 1497/8. Dispensation for marriage of Arthur, prince of Wales, and Catherine of Aragon, both parties being under age. First line. Ad futuram rei memoriam. Silk threads of bulla. ' Apostolice sedis gratiosa '. Cleop. E. iii, fos. 146 b-7. Damaged in the middle fold. 242. Rome, St. Peter's, 21 December 1498. Confirmation of bull of Innocent VIII (Rome, St. Peter's, 27 April 1486, ' Romanus Pontifex in ' [Rymer, Foedera, ed. 1739-45, v, pt. 3, pp. 173-4]) giving dispensation for marriage of Henry VII of England and Elizabeth of York. First line. Ad futuram rei memoriam. Silk threads of bulla. ' Licet ea que '. Cleop. E. iii, fos. 149b-50. 243. Rome, St. Peter's, 12 June 1500. Confirmation, under pain of inter- dict, of a bond [Rymer, Foedera, ed. 1739-45, v, pt. 4, p. 126] by Louis XII of France to Henry VII of England for payment of moneys owing by his predecessor Charles VIII. First line. Ad futuram rei memoriam. Silk threads of bulla. ' Illius uices licet '. Cleop. E. iii, fos. 152-3. 244. Rome, St. Peter's, 21 May 1503. Dispensation to John Brereton, clerk, diocese Coventry and Lichfield, to hold any two benefices. Alexander. Holes (2) for threads of bulla. ' Nobilitas generis uite '. Stowe Ch. 582. Julius II (1503-13) 245. Rome, St. Peter's, 20 May 1504. Mandate to archbishop of Canter- bury and bishops of Winchester, Durham, and London to inquire concerning life and miracles of Henry VI of England, with a view to his canonization. Julius. Bulla ; string. * Diuine prouidentie altitudo '. Cleop. E. iii, fos. 164 b-5. 246. Rome, St. Peter's, 9 August 1504. Provision of Richard [Mayhew], bishop elect, to see of Hereford. Julius. Bulla ; string. ' Diuina disponente dementia '. Harl. Ch. Ill A. 37. 247. Rome, St. Peter's, 15 October 1507. Incorporation, at the request of John Yonge, rector of free chapel of St. John Baptist in South Weald, of church of St. Mary-le-Bow, London, in the said chapel so long as the said John shall hold it. First line. Ad futuram