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558 ORIGINAL PAPAL BULLS AND BRIEFS October rei memoriam. Bulla lost. ' Romanum decet Pontificem Harl. Ch. 43 A. 50. 248. Rome, St. Peter's, 16 April 1510. Indulgence for penitents visiting at certain festivals chapel of SS. Timothy, Symphorianus, and Catherine of Siena in church of Dominicans of the Palais at Geneva. Julius. Bulla; silk. 'Licet is de '. Add. Ch. 12798. 249. Ravenna, 21 March 1510/11. Dispensation to John Goderych, rector of All Saints, Middleton Cheney, to hold with that rectory the chaplaincy of Sponnes Chantry in the parish church of Towcester, or any one or two benefices in lieu of one or two of these ; with absolution for perjury incurred in acquiring the said chaplaincy contrary to terms of the foundation. Julius. Holes (2) for threads of bulla. ' Sedes apostolica pia Stowe Ch. 583. 250. Rome, St. Peter's, 29 January 1511/12. Dispensation to Brian Hegdon, LL.D., rector of Bucknell (' Bukenchul '), to hold a third benefice in addition to the said rectory and any other benefice he may hold. Julius. Holes (2) for threads of bulla. ' Litterarum scientia uite '. Stowe Ch. 584. 251. Rome, St. Peter's, 13 March 1512. Brief to Henry VIII concerning dispute between archbishop of Canterbury and bishop of Win- chester. Anulus Piscatoris lost. ' Ex dilecto filio '. [Letters and Papers, i, 3066, p. 334.] Vit. B. ii, fos. 23 b-4. Imperfect. Leo X (1513-2*1) 252. Rome, St. Peter's, 5 September 1513. Dispensation to Miles Spensar, clerk, diocese Carlisle, in his nineteenth year, to hold any two benefices and, when he reaches twenty-three, a third. Leo. Holes (2) for threads of bulla. ' Uite ac morum '. Stowe Ch. 585. 253. Rome, St. Peter's, 29 November 1513. Brief to Henry VIII author- izing removal of body of James IV of Scotland to London and its burial in St. Paul's, notwithstanding he had incurred sentence of excommunication for breach of treaty. Anulus Piscatoris lost. ' Cum clare memorie '. [Letters and Papers, i, 4582, p. 705 ; J. Hergenroether, Leonis X . . . Regesta, i, 5534, p. 346.] Vit. B. ii, fos. 60b-l. Imperfect. 254. Rome, St. Peter's, 17 December 1513. Brief to Henry VIII urging peace. Anulus Piscatoris lost. ' Et eis ex '- 1 [Letters and Papers, i, 4605, p. 709.] Vit. B. ii, fos. 62 b-3. Imperfect. 255. Rome, St. Peter's, 1 March 1514. Brief to Henry VIII accom- panying gift of sword and cap. Anulus Piscatoris lost. ' Imitati vetus institutum '. [Letters and Papers, i, 4835, p. 754 ; Hergen- roether, i, 7008, p. 445.] Vit. B. ii, fos. 77 b-8. Slightly damaged. 256. Rome, St. Peter's, 30 March 1514. Brief to Henry VIII on behalf of Gonsalvo Pinto, whose family 2 was taken prisoner by the infidels. Anulus Piscatoris lost. ' Cum dilectus films '. [Letters and Papers, i, 4922, p. 774 ; Hergenroether, i, 7635, p. 484.] Vit. B. ii, fos. 79 b- 80. Imperfect. 1 Rymer begins with ' Eis ', omitting the ' Et '. a Not his father, as Brewer states ; his father was killed.