Page:Essay on the mineral waters of Carlsbad (1835).pdf/78

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felt a vertigo, lost my appetite, was unable to stand upon my legs, my eyes were sparkling, my cheeks burning, and I had almost apoplectic feelings. These violent symptoms lasted only two days, after which I continued, during six weeks, to drink seven beakers of Neubrunn, beyond which I could never go. I was very little purged, but the excretion of a fetid and oily urine lasted as long as the use of the water. Gradually all my complaints disappeared, and I was fortunate enough to get completely rid of a large herpetic eruption on the neck, which had annoyed me beyond expression during six years, and had resisted a variety of remedies, and even sulfureous fumigations. My health has been since and is still (1835) perfect.

Such a complete and radical cure, operated in so short a time, is not a daily occurrence, and inveterate gouty cases require in general the repetition of the treatment.

Piles, fluent or blind, being oftener a concomitant symptom than a primary disease, it is nearly impossible to give fixed precepts about the use of our waters in hemorrhoïdal cases, which must be examined and weighed in their totality, before we can decide how far Carlsbad may be useful or hurtful. I have seen a few patients where the great abundance of flux obliged me to send them to other mineral waters, acting with less energy on the vascular system. On the other side, I have observed a still greater number of cases of blind piles, where the bursting