Page:Essay on the mineral waters of Carlsbad (1835).pdf/79

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of the hemorrhoïdal vessels and a new flux have relieved painful symptoms of head-ach and general plethora.

In chlorotic disorders and menstrual derangements, the good effects of the Carlsbad waters are less to be expected from the very small quantity of iron-oxyd which they contain, than from their desobstruent quality and their manifest power of accelerating circulation and vivifying the complexion. The same is to be said of leucorrhea, in the treatment of which we must care fully distinguish whether it proceeds from obstruction of the abdominal organs, or from mere debility. The first class can be essentially improved at Carlsbad; the second requires in general other more chalybeate and gaseous waters, such as Franzensbrunn and the Ferdinand’s wells at Marienbad.—During pregnancy and during menstruation, drinking must be interrupted; but there may be cases of very scanty monthly period, during which it may be recommended with success.

We see every year, amongst the indigent patients admitted in the St. Bernard’s Hospital, a few individuals, who, after having worked in the different looking-glasses manufactures of Bohemia, Nuremberg, etc., are unable to continue their profession, on account of a shaking of the whole frame or of some limbs, brought on by the influence of quick-silver or lead. The physician attending that hospital, has assured me repeatedly that the greatest number of them are cured or relieved by the internal use of