Page:Essay on the mineral waters of Carlsbad (1835).pdf/80

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the waters and by bathing. Though such diseases occur rarely in other classes of people, I remember to have treated with success the proprietor of leadmanufactures, and a celebrated painter, affected with numbness of the hand, produced by metallic influences. David Becher quotes some cases, where disorders occasioned by arsenic were cured or relieved at Carlsbad.

I have attended successfully many patients, who had laboured under the yellow fever, dysentery, cholera, intermittent fevers, acute and chronic disorders of the liver and spleen at Antigua, Batavia, the Mauritius, Rio de Janeiro, Calcutta, etc. The symptoms which brought them to Carlsbad were abdominal indurations, morbid complexion, herpetic eruptions, dyspepsy, hypocondriasis, etc., which, in spite of their various geographical origin, did in no respect differ collectively from those of the patients we see every year, coming from all parts of Europe.