Page:Europe in China.djvu/599

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Freedom of the Port, 125, 156, 166, 171, 182, 202, 569.
Free Trade v. Monopoly, 1925, 47, 212, 293, 294.
Fremantle, Mr., 499.
French Mail Steamers, 484, 530, 533.
Freemasonry, 247, 283, 284, 472, 518.
Friend of China, 183, 187, 196, 200, 223, 313, 321, 324.
Fryer, J., 391.
Fung Ming-Shan, 546.
Furdonjee, D., 102.
Gambling, 337, 338, 399, 428441, 508, 534, 536, 573.
Gaol, 171, 378, 379, 380, 449, 450, 488, 541.
Gas Company, 386.
Gaskell, W., 233, 350.
Gazette, 148, 170, 183, 364.
Gemmell & Co., 68, 174.
Genoa, Duke of, 524.
Geology, 404.
German Club, 397, 469, 372, 517.
Gibb, H. B., 414, 423, 530, 543, 544.
Gibb, J. D., 324, 389, 402.
Gibb, T. A., 189, 223, 225.
Gibb Livingston & Co., 68, 174.
Gibbons, H., 528.
George—II., 14; III., 15; IV., 17.
George, E., 557.
Gillespie & Co., 203.
Ginger and Coffee Plantations, 350.
Gladstone, Mr., 313.
Glenealy, 178, 220.
Gold Standard, 244, 275.
Goodall, Corporal, 400.
Gordon, A. T., 189, 194.
Gough, Sir H., 137, 147, 159.
Goulding, Mr., 473.
Governor General of H. M. Insular Possessions, 362.
Graea, Senhor da, 525.
Grant, Ch., 22.
Grant, Sir Hope, 358, 359, 361.
Grant, U. S., 524.
Granville, Earl, 435, 436, 437.
Gray, W., 189.
Green, F. W., 329, 347, 520.
Green, Th., 520.
Green Island, 127, 500.
Greig, J., 481, 492.
Grey, Earl, 28, 217, 261, 295, 325, 527.
Gribble, Hughes & Co., 119, 174.
Gros, Baron, 316.
Guimaraes, T. F., 255, 338, 400.
Gully, R., 174.
Gunthorpe, Mr., 405.
Gutzlaff, Ch., 72, 189, 241, 254, 281, 284, 285.
Gymnasium, 397.
Hadfield, Lieut., 144.
Haiphong, 519.
Hall, W. K., 138, 357.
Hanlon, Mr., 510.
Hanoi, 519.
Happer, A., 394.
Happy Valley (Wongnaichung), 167, 245, 247.
Harbour Office, 177, 451.
Harland, Dr., 245, 350.
Harper, P. R., 387.
Harrison, Mr., 6.
Hart, Ch., 174.
Hart, Sir R., 356, 408, 502.
Havilland, De, 194.
Hay, J. C. D., 270.
Hayllar, Th. C., 448, 492, 532, 561.
Hazeland, F. I., 334, 401, 474.
Headmoney, 115, 309, 319.
Heard & Co., 389, 471, 491.
Heard, A. F., 387.
Heard, J., 402, 473.
Heinrich, Prince, 524.
Helland, G. J., 373, 387, 472.
Henderson & Co., 68.
Henderson, W. J., 401.
Hennessy, Sir J. P., 522567, 568, 573.
Herbert, Captain, 138.
Herbert, Sidney, 355, 358, 504.
Hewart, Ch. E., 194.
Hicks-Beach, Sir M., 544.
Hillier, C. B., 188, 189, 229, 338.
Hingtai, 67, 68.
Hitchcock, E. A., 438.
Ho A-mei, 559.
Hobson, Dr., 181, 191.
Hoihow, 519.
Holdermann, Mr., 280.
Holgate, H., 180.
Holliday, J., 189.
Holliday, Wise & Co., 174, 381.