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Page:Every Woman's Encyclopedia Volume 1.djvu/13

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Abscess, 58
Abélard and Héloise — Love Letters, 121
Abercom, Duchess of, 545
Aberdeen, Countess of, 106, 216, 628
Accidents — Treatment, etc., refer to title First Aid
Adams, Miss Maude, 663
Adenoids, 364
Agricultural Labourers — Hiring, 113
Ague or Malaria, 58
Alexandra, Queen. 411, 546
Ambassadors and their Wives, 513
Anæmia, 58
Aneurysm, 58
Angina Pectoris, 59
Animal Painting, Bushey School, 798
Animals as Pets, see Pets
Apoplexy, 59
Appendicitis, 59
Arlesey Training School, 35, 343, 344
India — Lady Roberts' Nursing Scheme, 616
Marriage with a Soldier — Law, 416
Officers — Balls and Dances, form of Invitation, Precedence, etc., 516
Officers' Wives, 201
Arts, 129, 282, 433, 564, 676, 798
Music, Drawing and Painting, Literature, Poetry, see those titles
Asquith, Mrs., 64
Assumption, Church of, 733
Asthma, 59
Austria — Christmas Observances, 560
Ayrton, Mrs. Hertha, 545
Babies, see Children
Bags, Art Needlework Bags, 649
Balfour, Miss Alice, 409
Balls and Dances
Children's Cotillion Dances, 597
Etiquette, 371, 516, 748
Barnardo's, Dr., Homes, 674, 797
Bathe, Lady de (Mrs. Langtry), 544
Baby's Bath, 331
Beauty Culture, 178
Bazaars — Organisation, etc., 429
Bear Fur, 752
Beauty, 18, 171, 322, 471, 591, 708
Beautiful Women in History, 19, 170, 322, 471, 591, 708
Beautiful Women in the Social World, see Lady of Quality
Definition, 328
Physical Culture, 328
Physiological proportions, 329
Table showing Proportions of normal women fully developed by Physical Culture, 330
Beauty Culture, 22, 176, 325, 474, 594, 710
Baths, 176
Children, 476, 713
Boys and Girls alike, Importance of Care for, 476
Complexion, 476
Figure and Carriage. 713
Hands and Nails, Care of, 477
Manners and Expression, 714
Complexion, 22, 178
Hair, 25, 175, 326, 478, 595, 712
Brushes, cleaning, 26
Cleansing — Shampoo recipe, etc., 26
Curling and Crimping, 26
Diseases of Scalp and Hair, 596, 712
Dyes — Recipes, etc, 478, 595
Emollient, 23
Falling hair, 175
Goose skin, 25
Greyness, 326
Growth and Structure, 25
Manicure, 173
Mouth and Lips, 594
Neck and Shoulders, 710
Physical Culture, relation to, 330
Skin, 176
Swimming, 177
Teeth, 178, 474, 594
Warts, removal of, 178
Wrinkles, Prevention and Cure, 325-6
Beaver Fur, 753
Bedford, Duchess of, 108
Bedrooms, Furnishing, etc., refer to title Home
Bedsores, 211
Bent Iron work, 145
Betrothal Rings, 791
Between Maid, Duties, Wages, etc., 464
Biblewomen and Nurses Mission, 794
Bilious Attacks, 211
Birds as Pets, 301, 452, 575, 693
Birth, see Children, also Law — Child Law
Blackheads, 211
Blankets, Washing at home, 17
Blessington. Lady, 170
Blisters, 212
Blood, Circulation of, etc., 56
Blouses, Embroidered, 239
Boils, 212
Books, Famous Books by Women, see Literature
Braddon, Miss. 259
Breath, Offensive Breath, 212
Breathing Exercises, 623, 711
Breathlessness, 212
Bright's Disease, 212
British and Foreign Bible Society, Woman's Work for, etc., 428
British Columbia, Openings for Women, 731
Broadtail Fur, 754
Bronchitis, 212
Children, 741
Chronic, 361
Brontë, Charlotte, 132
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett — Love Letters, 273
Bryce, Mrs., 514
Bulbs, see Gardens and Gardening
Bushey School of Animal Painting, 798
Butt, Mme. Clara, 779
Byron, Lord, and the Countess Guiccioli — Love Story, 421
Cadogan, Lady — Vicereine of Ireland, 219
Cakes — Recipes, etc., see title Kitchen and Cookery
Canada, Wife of Governor — General of —
Position, Duties, etc., 626
Cancer, 362
Cancrum Oris, 362
Canning, Lady, 368
Caracul Fur, 754
Carew, Lady, 84
Cataract, 382
Catarrh, 358, 362
Cats as Pets, 150, 455, 813
Cavalieri, Mme., 778
Ceilings and Walls, see Home — Walls and Ceilings
Chamberlain, Mrs. Joseph, 258
Channel Islands — Marriage law, 416
Bazaars, 429
Needlework, 391
Chicken — pox, 363
Chickens, Rearing, etc.
Artificial rearing, 346
Day old chicks industry, 42, 191
Natural rearing, 728
Sitting hen, management, 495
Chilblains, 363
Children, 27, 179, 331, 479, 597
Ailments — Causes, prevention, treatment, etc.
Adenoids, 364
Winter ailments, 363 — 4, 741
Bath, 331
Birth, preparation for, 30, 374
Cards announcing birth, etiquette,
Clothing, 334, 482
Day clothes, 482
First clothes, 335
Layettes, 31, 334, 335
Night clothes, 483
Outdoor clothes, 483, 718
Food, 181
Incubators for fragile babies, 600
Beautiful children, types of, 485-8
Beauty culture, 478, 713
for details, see Beauty Culture
Overclothing, cause of chill, 364
Stuart period, children's dress, 640
see also subheadings Babies and Healthy child
Christian names for girls, 32, 185, 338, 481, 602, 722
Christmas parties — Suggestions, 479
Cotillion dances, 597
Dolls, 708
"Dressing — up" tea-party — Suggestions, etc., 886
Complexion, effect on, 477
Teeth, effect on, 474
see also subheadings Babies and Healthy child
Healthy child, management, 63
Clothing, 63
Diet, 63, 207
Exercise, 63
Holiday Games and Tricks, 720
Law, Child Law, 115, 267, 666
for details, see title Law
Married life, part played in, 734
Music teaching, etc., see title Music — Instruction
Nursery — Day nursery, 27
Nursery — Night nursery, 179. 180
Nurses — Training, etc., 340, 341
Open — air sleeping, 16
Societies which help women and children, see that title
Sweetmaking in the Nursery, 183
China, Old China
Bristol porcelain, 307, 584
Chelsea China, 182
Chinese porcelain, 9, 10
Dresden factory, date of opening. 10
English porcelain, date of earliest English porcelain, 10
Plymouth china, 305
Pottery and porcelain, distinction between, 9
Willow pattern, 460
Chinchilla Fur, 634
Chintz, Artistic Value in Furnishing, 462
Chip Carving, 146
Chorea, 363
Christian Names for Girls, 32, 185, 338,481, 602, 722
Christian Science — Work of Mary Baker Eddy, 659
Christmas and Christmas Preparations
Children's parties, 479
Kitchen and Cookery, see that title
Presents, home made presents 530
Religious observances in foreign countries, 559
Table decoration, 457
Church Workers, 123
Cigar-bands, use for, 810
Climate, Relation to Complexion. 477
Clonmell, Countess of, 633
Clothing, see Dress also Children
Colds and Catarrhs, 358, 363, 364
Colic, 507
Collars, Embroidered Collars, 87
College of Arms or Herald's College, 70
Colonial Nursing Association, 492
Marriage law, 416
Middle-class girls for — Training, Openings, etc., 33, 188, 344, 607, 731
Bride's favours. 502
Dress, House Decoration, etc., see titles Dress and Home — Furnishing
Heraldry, 221 — 2
Coma, 507
Complexion, care of, 22, 178, 478