Conservatory and Greenhouse, 141, 445, 682 |
Constipation, 507 |
Contracts — Servants and Masters, 113 |
Convents, 280, 432 |
Convulsions, 507 |
Cook — Duties, etc., 166 |
Cookery. see Kitchen and Cookery |
Corporations — Appointment of Servants, 113 |
Cory, Lady Clifford, 82 |
Coryza, 538 |
Cough, 508 |
Court and Social Life, see Lady of Quality |
Coventry, Countess of (Miss Gunning), 21 |
Cramp, 508 |
Cranford, 284 |
Cretinism, 508 |
Crochet, 85, 237, 389, 533 |
Crossley, Mme. Ada, 105 |
Croup, 621 |
Cruelty to Children, National Society for Prevention of, 262, 413 |
Curie, Mme — Radium discovery, 738 |
Curzon, Lady, 368 |
Cystitis, 621 |
D |
Dalkeith, Lady, 751 |
Dalhousie, Lady, 368 |
Dandruff, 621 |
Deaconess Institute, Bowron House, 279 |
Deaf and Dumb Children, Education — |
St. Mary's Dominican Convent, Cabra, Dublin, 127 |
Death Rate — Guide to healthiness of district, 4 |
Delirium, 742 |
Despard, Mrs., 779 |
Devonshire, Georgiana Duchess of, 591 |
Devonshire, Louise Duchess of, 778 |
Diabetes, 742 |
Diarrhœea, 742 |
Digestion, 360, 504 |
Dining Room, Furniture, etc., refer to title Home |
Dinner — parties, Etiquette, 67, 219 |
Diphtheria, 742 |
Doctor's Wife, 501 |
Dogs as Pets, 148, 151, 303, 453, 695, 815 |
Dolls, 715 |
D'oyleys — Novel designs, 765 |
Drawing and Painting |
Bushey School of Animal Painting, 708 |
Learning to see, 433 |
Newlyn Art School, 282 |
Outline, methods of finding form in, 676 |
Paris, Lady Art Student in, 129 |
Slade School, 564 |
Thinking applied to Drawing, 676 |
Drawing Room, Furnishing, etc., refer to title Home |
Dress, 71, 224, 375, 519, 634, 752 |
Business wear, 234 |
Coiffure decorations, 755 |
Colour, 80 |
Dressmaking, Millinery, Tailoring, Furs, see those titles |
Lace Scarves, 528 |
Middle — aged women, dress for, 24 |
Pregnancy, 30 |
Stuart period, 384, 639 |
Dressmaking — Home Dressmaking, 71, 229, 377, 522, 637, 759 |
Appliances, 71 |
Materials, 72, 229 |
Skirt — Simple Walking Skirt, 637, 759 |
Stitches, 230, 377 — 8, 522 |
Fancy stitches, 378 — 9, 522 |
Dudley, Lady, 219 |
Duesbury, William — Chelsea china manufacturer, 162 |
Dufferin, Lady, 827 |
Durand, Lady, 513 |
Durham, Lady, 626, 627 |
E |
Eczema, 740 |
Eczema of the Scalp, 712 |
Eddy, Mary Baker — Founder of Christian Science, 659 |
Edison — Method of Proposal, 613 |
Electricity in modern housekeeping, 697 |
Elementary Schools, teaching in, 489 |
Ermine Fur, 519 |
Erythema, 740 |
Etiquette, see Lady of Quality, also Marriage |
Eudes, Father — Founder of Convent of the Good Shepherd, 432 |
F |
Far East — Openings for women workers 726 |
Fencing for Women, 808 |
Fever Rashes, 740 |
Finches as Pets, 452, 575 |
Finger Prints, use in detection of criminals, 450 |
Finland — Marriage Customs, 500 |
Fireless Cooking Box, 650 |
First Aid, 61, 213, 365, 511, 624, 743 |
Accidents, General Accidents, 625, 743 |
Burns and Scalds, 743 |
Choking, 744 |
Ear, 625 |
Eye, 625 |
Frost bite, 744 |
Nostrils, foreign bodies in, 743 |
Strangulation and hanging, 744 |
Suffocation, 744 |
Bandages, 60, 62 |
Bruises, 624 |
Dislocation, 215 |
Fractures, varieties, detection, treatment, 213 |
General hints, 61 |
Grazed skin, knee, or elbow, 625 |
Hæmorrhage, 365, 511 — 2 |
Knots, 62 |
Scope of work, 61 |
Sprains, 625 |
Training, 61 |
Wounds, 512, 624 |
Flannels, Washing at home, 17 |
Floral Mosaicon, 299 |
Flowers |
Cultivation, see title Gardens and Gardening |
Decoration, use in, see titles Home and Marriage |
Fox Fur, 224 |
France — Marriage Customs, 499 |
Fruit Culture, 140, 444' 683 |
Furnishing, 5, 157, 311, 462, 581 |
for details, see title Home |
Furs |
Bear, 752 |
Beaver, 753 |
Broadtail, 754 |
Buying, 636 |
Caracul, 754 |
Chinchilla, 634 |
Durability, order of, 381 |
Ermine, 519 |
Fox, 224 |
Less expensive furs, 752 |
Millinery, use in, 525 |
Mink, 754 |
Moleskin, 754 |
Musquash, 383 |
Opossum, 635 |
Persian Lamb, 753 |
Sables, 78 |
Scarcity, growing scarcity of valuable fur — bearing animals, 636 |
Sea Otter, 635 |
Sealskin, 381 |
Variety needed, 636 |
G |
Galway, Viscountess — Poetry, etc., 679 |
Game — Cookery, Recipes, etc., see title Kitchen and Cookery |
Games |
Children, holiday games and tricks for, 720 |
see also title Recreations |
Gardens and Gardening, 136, 289, 440, 589, 681, 803 |
Bulbs |
Indoor culture, 440 |
Outdoor culture, 291 |
Carnations — Tree or perpetual flowering carnations, 569, 686 |
Choosing a house, 3, 155 |
Chrysanthemums for Amateurs, 805 |
Conservatory and Greenhouse, 141, 445, 882 |
Designs' for small gardens — Occupation for women, suggestion, 280 |
Flower Garden, 140, 444, 681, 682 |
Frames and pits, 141, 445 |
Fruit Garden, 140, 444, 683 |
Orchids for amateurs, 293 |
Path — making, 682 |
Roof Garden, 684 |
Rose Garden, 294 |
Shrubbery, 681 |
Small Garden — Suggestions, 136, 289 |
Sunk Garden, 443 |
Trenching, 140 |
Vegetable Garden, 141, 444, 683, 803 |
Vines, 445, 683 |
Window — box plants for autumn and winter, 138 |
Work for the month |
November, 140 |
December, 444 |
January, 681 |
Gaskell, Mrs., 284 |
General Servants — Duties, etc., 14 |
German Empress, 780 |
Germany |
Christmas Observances, 560 |
Marriage Customs, 499 |
Glyn, Mrs. Elinor, 545 |
Good Shepherd, Convent of, 432 |
Gordon, Duchess of, 322 |
Gordon, Sir A. Duff, 614 |
Graham, Marchioness of, 410 |
Grey Ladies' College for Women Workers, 430 |
Grey, Lady — Wife of Governor — General of Canada, 626 |
Guards' Chapel, 733 |
Guiccioli, The Countess, and Lord Byron |
— Love Story, 421 |
Guildhall School of Music, 567 |
Gully, Mr. and Mrs., 747 |
Gunning, Misses, 19 |
H |
Hair |
Care of, 25, 175, 326, 478, 595, 712 |
Coiffure decorations, 756 |
Halle, Lady, 105 |
Hamilton, Duchess of (Miss Elizabeth Gunning), 20 |
Hamilton, Lady, 269 |
Hands |
Care of, 173, 477 |
Palmistry, see Recreations |
Hardinge, Lady — Vicereine of India, 371 |
Held, Miss Anna, 778 |
Heraldry, 69, 221, 517 |
Herbert, Lady, 513 |
Hill, Rowland — Method of Proposal, 613 |
Hockey, 142, 295, 451, 574 |
Holy Land — Christmas Observances, 559 |
Home, 1, 153, 305, 457, 577, 697 |
China, old china, 9, 162, 305, 460, 584 |
for details, see China |
Choosing a House, 1, 153, 308, 465, 586 |
Aspect, Outlook, Soil, etc., 1, 2, 3, 4 |
Basement, 3 |
Bathroom and boxroom, 586 |
Butler's pantry, 586 |
Chimneys, 155 |
Coal storage, 156 |
Country houses, 3 |
Cupboards, 467 |
Detached and semi — detached, 3, 308 |
Doors and Windows — Casement and sash windows, size of windows, etc., 467 — 8. |
Drains, 155 |
External features, 3, 153 |
Fittings, 586 |
Floors, 468 |
Garden and yard, 3, 155 — 6 |
Heating, Lighting, and Hot Water System, 702, 703, 704 |
Linen Cupboard, 586 |
Neighbourhood, 153 |
Nursery, 467 |
Out Buildings, 158 |
Planning, Economy and Convenience in, 2, 3, 309, 466 |
Porch or canopy, 309 |
Rent, 2 |
Roadway charges, 156 |
Roadway, distance from, 153 |
Roof, 155 |
Side or back entrance, 156 |
Staircase, 309 |