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Page:Every Woman's Encyclopedia Volume 1.djvu/14

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Conservatory and Greenhouse, 141, 445, 682
Constipation, 507
Contracts — Servants and Masters, 113
Convents, 280, 432
Convulsions, 507
Cook — Duties, etc., 166
Cookery. see Kitchen and Cookery
Corporations — Appointment of Servants, 113
Cory, Lady Clifford, 82
Coryza, 538
Cough, 508
Court and Social Life, see Lady of Quality
Coventry, Countess of (Miss Gunning), 21
Cramp, 508
Cranford, 284
Cretinism, 508
Crochet, 85, 237, 389, 533
Crossley, Mme. Ada, 105
Croup, 621
Cruelty to Children, National Society for Prevention of, 262, 413
Curie, Mme — Radium discovery, 738
Curzon, Lady, 368
Cystitis, 621
Dalkeith, Lady, 751
Dalhousie, Lady, 368
Dandruff, 621
Deaconess Institute, Bowron House, 279
Deaf and Dumb Children, Education —
St. Mary's Dominican Convent, Cabra, Dublin, 127
Death Rate — Guide to healthiness of district, 4
Delirium, 742
Despard, Mrs., 779
Devonshire, Georgiana Duchess of, 591
Devonshire, Louise Duchess of, 778
Diabetes, 742
Diarrhœea, 742
Digestion, 360, 504
Dining Room, Furniture, etc., refer to title Home
Dinner — parties, Etiquette, 67, 219
Diphtheria, 742
Doctor's Wife, 501
Dogs as Pets, 148, 151, 303, 453, 695, 815
Dolls, 715
D'oyleys — Novel designs, 765
Drawing and Painting
Bushey School of Animal Painting, 708
Learning to see, 433
Newlyn Art School, 282
Outline, methods of finding form in, 676
Paris, Lady Art Student in, 129
Slade School, 564
Thinking applied to Drawing, 676
Drawing Room, Furnishing, etc., refer to title Home
Dress, 71, 224, 375, 519, 634, 752
Business wear, 234
Coiffure decorations, 755
Colour, 80
Dressmaking, Millinery, Tailoring, Furs, see those titles
Lace Scarves, 528
Middle — aged women, dress for, 24
Pregnancy, 30
Stuart period, 384, 639
Dressmaking — Home Dressmaking, 71, 229, 377, 522, 637, 759
Appliances, 71
Materials, 72, 229
Skirt — Simple Walking Skirt, 637, 759
Stitches, 230, 377 — 8, 522
Fancy stitches, 378 — 9, 522
Dudley, Lady, 219
Duesbury, William — Chelsea china manufacturer, 162
Dufferin, Lady, 827
Durand, Lady, 513
Durham, Lady, 626, 627
Eczema, 740
Eczema of the Scalp, 712
Eddy, Mary Baker — Founder of Christian Science, 659
Edison — Method of Proposal, 613
Electricity in modern housekeeping, 697
Elementary Schools, teaching in, 489
Ermine Fur, 519
Erythema, 740
Etiquette, see Lady of Quality, also Marriage
Eudes, Father — Founder of Convent of the Good Shepherd, 432
Far East — Openings for women workers 726
Fencing for Women, 808
Fever Rashes, 740
Finches as Pets, 452, 575
Finger Prints, use in detection of criminals, 450
Finland — Marriage Customs, 500
Fireless Cooking Box, 650
First Aid, 61, 213, 365, 511, 624, 743
Accidents, General Accidents, 625, 743
Burns and Scalds, 743
Choking, 744
Ear, 625
Eye, 625
Frost bite, 744
Nostrils, foreign bodies in, 743
Strangulation and hanging, 744
Suffocation, 744
Bandages, 60, 62
Bruises, 624
Dislocation, 215
Fractures, varieties, detection, treatment, 213
General hints, 61
Grazed skin, knee, or elbow, 625
Hæmorrhage, 365, 511 — 2
Knots, 62
Scope of work, 61
Sprains, 625
Training, 61
Wounds, 512, 624
Flannels, Washing at home, 17
Floral Mosaicon, 299
Cultivation, see title Gardens and Gardening
Decoration, use in, see titles Home and Marriage
Fox Fur, 224
France — Marriage Customs, 499
Fruit Culture, 140, 444' 683
Furnishing, 5, 157, 311, 462, 581
for details, see title Home
Bear, 752
Beaver, 753
Broadtail, 754
Buying, 636
Caracul, 754
Chinchilla, 634
Durability, order of, 381
Ermine, 519
Fox, 224
Less expensive furs, 752
Millinery, use in, 525
Mink, 754
Moleskin, 754
Musquash, 383
Opossum, 635
Persian Lamb, 753
Sables, 78
Scarcity, growing scarcity of valuable fur — bearing animals, 636
Sea Otter, 635
Sealskin, 381
Variety needed, 636
Galway, Viscountess — Poetry, etc., 679
Game — Cookery, Recipes, etc., see title Kitchen and Cookery
Children, holiday games and tricks for, 720
see also title Recreations
Gardens and Gardening, 136, 289, 440, 589, 681, 803
Indoor culture, 440
Outdoor culture, 291
Carnations — Tree or perpetual flowering carnations, 569, 686
Choosing a house, 3, 155
Chrysanthemums for Amateurs, 805
Conservatory and Greenhouse, 141, 445, 882
Designs' for small gardens — Occupation for women, suggestion, 280
Flower Garden, 140, 444, 681, 682
Frames and pits, 141, 445
Fruit Garden, 140, 444, 683
Orchids for amateurs, 293
Path — making, 682
Roof Garden, 684
Rose Garden, 294
Shrubbery, 681
Small Garden — Suggestions, 136, 289
Sunk Garden, 443
Trenching, 140
Vegetable Garden, 141, 444, 683, 803
Vines, 445, 683
Window — box plants for autumn and winter, 138
Work for the month
November, 140
December, 444
January, 681
Gaskell, Mrs., 284
General Servants — Duties, etc., 14
German Empress, 780
Christmas Observances, 560
Marriage Customs, 499
Glyn, Mrs. Elinor, 545
Good Shepherd, Convent of, 432
Gordon, Duchess of, 322
Gordon, Sir A. Duff, 614
Graham, Marchioness of, 410
Grey Ladies' College for Women Workers, 430
Grey, Lady — Wife of Governor — General of Canada, 626
Guards' Chapel, 733
Guiccioli, The Countess, and Lord Byron
— Love Story, 421
Guildhall School of Music, 567
Gully, Mr. and Mrs., 747
Gunning, Misses, 19
Care of, 25, 175, 326, 478, 595, 712
Coiffure decorations, 756
Halle, Lady, 105
Hamilton, Duchess of (Miss Elizabeth Gunning), 20
Hamilton, Lady, 269
Care of, 173, 477
Palmistry, see Recreations
Hardinge, Lady — Vicereine of India, 371
Held, Miss Anna, 778
Heraldry, 69, 221, 517
Herbert, Lady, 513
Hill, Rowland — Method of Proposal, 613
Hockey, 142, 295, 451, 574
Holy Land — Christmas Observances, 559
Home, 1, 153, 305, 457, 577, 697
China, old china, 9, 162, 305, 460, 584
for details, see China
Choosing a House, 1, 153, 308, 465, 586
Aspect, Outlook, Soil, etc., 1, 2, 3, 4
Basement, 3
Bathroom and boxroom, 586
Butler's pantry, 586
Chimneys, 155
Coal storage, 156
Country houses, 3
Cupboards, 467
Detached and semi — detached, 3, 308
Doors and Windows — Casement and sash windows, size of windows, etc., 467 — 8.
Drains, 155
External features, 3, 153
Fittings, 586
Floors, 468
Garden and yard, 3, 155 — 6
Heating, Lighting, and Hot Water System, 702, 703, 704
Linen Cupboard, 586
Neighbourhood, 153
Nursery, 467
Out Buildings, 158
Planning, Economy and Convenience in, 2, 3, 309, 466
Porch or canopy, 309
Rent, 2
Roadway charges, 156
Roadway, distance from, 153
Roof, 155
Side or back entrance, 156
Staircase, 309