Page:Evolution and Natural Selection in the Light of the New Church.djvu/21

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SpmfisvsPNHE HHHHI—IHHH @@Q@$WNH 8 ’9." 9 9999:.“ NEW CHURCH TRACTS. LECTURES. . non. . The Neamess and Realit of the S iritual World ........... ............ 16 Death, Resurrection, an the Life ynnd 16 . Howwtliie Sacred Scripture, or the Bible, Differs tl'om other 16 'r t n ............... . The Law ofisCorresgondence: or. The Relation between Natural and S iritual hing: 16 . The Lord esus Christ or, God in His Divine Humanitfi .............. 16 . Redemption, Atonement, and Man's True Relation to t a Lord... 16 The Six Lectures, bound in Paper Cora-s, 10 cents, post-paid. (sxxru SERIES.) DOCTRINES OF THE NEW CHURCH: WHAT THEY TEACH, AND WHAT 'rmav D0 nor TEACH. By Rev. Chauncey Giles. . nuns. . The Church of the New Jerusalem: What it is, and what it is not. 16 . Man as a Spirit: What he is, and what he is not. .......................... 16 The Divinity of the Sacred Scriptures: What it is, what it is not. 24 The Death of the Material Body Ewential to Human Happiness. 16 S iritual Death: Its Nature, Origin. Delights and Torments. ...... . 21 e Resurrection of the Soul from S iritual ath ..................... . 22 The Resurrection of Man from the L aterial Body ........................ 21 . Heavenly Happiness: Its Principles and Means of Attainment. .. 19 Heaven a Society of Regenerated Men and Women ............... . ..... l6 . Mistiolilicepttlions of the Principles and Doctrines of the New 20 ‘ urc ................................................................................... . The New and the Old Doctrine of the Unit and Trinity in God.. 20 . The Father, Son, and Holy S irit the Three ‘ entials of One God. 20 . Probation: Its Nature and imitations ......................................... 20 . The Final Judgment of Man 24 . The An els: Their Origin, Nature, and Relations to Men ............ 20 . The Div ne Providence in the Government of Human Affairs ..... 20 The Lord's Divine Human the Medium of Salvation .................... Z) . Truth itself the Only I ni‘ailible Authority for Religious Doctrine. 23 The New Age ........ 20 Series complete, bound in Limp Caters. 40 cents, post-paid. (SEVENTH seams.) ON LOVE AND LIGHT. By Rev. Chauncey Giles. . non. The Origin and Nature of Truth ...... 16 The Origi Nature. and Gillce of Love ............................ ...... 16 Truth the ight of Heavcm 16 The Nature and Office of the Ho] 8 ir" 1 The Divine Humanity of Jehova t e Central Truth of Christi- anity ThetBesurrection of the Lord: the Crowning Work of Redemp- lon oooooooooooooooooooo ICCOOMII Trust in the Lord ........... The Oil of Joy ' Stumbling Bi, 3- . ' . L . . .. 1'