Page:Evolution and Natural Selection in the Light of the New Church.djvu/22

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NE W 01-7 012011 TRA 078. (mourn snails.) MISCELLANEOUS BECOMES. l'10. Salvation Possible to all Men. B Rev. A. 1". Frost .................... 2. The Princl les and Functions of clesiastical Government. By Rev. C aunceynm 3. Chaanes in Faith: Probation and Judgment. By Rev. Oliver m 4. What Dyser Swedenbo ianism! By Rev. J. C. Ager ......................... fl 5. Manna. By Rev. A iel Silver 15 6.1 Loved Jacob and I Hated Esau. By Rev. Abiel Silver ...... . ....... . 18 7. Jesus Walking on the Sea. By Rev. ChaunceyG Giles .................... 16 8. All the Paths of the Lord Mercy and Truth. By Rev. Chauncey 16 9. The I:.:ord a Refuge in Times of Trouble. By Rev. Chauncey 16 10. The Tgtimony of the Lilies to the Lord's Provident Care. By Rev. Chauncey G" as ...... 16 11. The Book of Life. By Rev. Chaunce Gile- ...... 15 12. “SpirituallsmB'.’ The PhPcnomenon xplained and its Dangers Shown. B.KRev L.P . 16 13. Man’ s nAbilityt e Measure of his Obligation. By Rev. Chauncey 12 14. Emanuel Swedenborg. B Rev. J. C. Ager 82 15. Creation. B Rev. John orcester 12 16.1s the New erusalcm (or Swedenborgian) Church a Christian Church? B Rev. E. C Min-hail 19 16G. Why is ardRea Spiritual World not Material? By Rev. John 12 17. Sglfiitual Stewardship. 13 Rev. J. C.A 32 17G Second Comingrd of e Lord in the eClouds of Heaven. By Rev John Goddard ...... 16' 18. The Wilderness Experience. B Rev. John Goddard .......... 12 186. Swedenborg and ModernS iri ualism. By Rev. John Goddard. 16 19. The Dangers of Spiritism. y Rev. John Goddard .................. 15 20. The Old and the New Doctrine of how the Lord Saves Men. By Rev. John Goddard so 21. The Lord our Mediator. By Rev. J. S. David ........... .. .......... ..... . 16 22. Matter. B Rev. S. M. Warren mm... 11 23. Efl'ectual rayer. By Hon. '1‘. A. Plant, 20 (Nm'rn snail.) SPIRITUAL mm. By Rev. Chauncey Giles. no. nan. 1. S iritnal Nurture. Its Means, Methods. and Importance ............. 16 2. rental Responsibilities: How to MeetT 16 3. The Means and Methods of Cultivatingh an Afl'ection for Re- ligious Truth .......... 4. Obedience to Parents and the Lord ...... 15 6. How to Teach our Children Fear, Reverence and Trust. ............ 16 6. How to Teach our Children to Love the NA 16 7. Writing the Lord’s Word upon the Posts of our House and Gates. 15 8. The Rewards of Love and Obedience 16 9. The Burdensoi‘ Life: Ho wtoC neth Lord. ......... ... 15 10. The Commandments the InmllibleTh Guideo to every Good. ........ 16 Mammaboundtnunpm. ”mm-pals.