Page:Evolution and Natural Selection in the Light of the New Church.djvu/24

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.w; W ,‘H URCH TRA (I'm. SWEDENBORG. By Bev. Chauncey Gllea. no. _ Horn. 1. as a Scientist and a Man of Practical Affairs ........... . -l 2. as a Philosopher ...................................................... 2| 3. as a Seer ............ 2| 4. as a Thmlnginn 2‘ Same complete, bound. in Limp Covers, 20 mats. post-paid. EVOLUTION. By Rev. (‘hanneey Giles. so. none. 1. The False and the True Theory of Evolution 24 2. The Origin and Nature of Life ........................ . ............. ...... 20 3. The Descent of Mull 20 4. Heredity ......................................... 20 1'1. The Office of Environment in Evolution ...... l9 In bookfmvn, with introduction and additional aha New on “Dem-era and (,how-espcnutenca" Paper, 15 cents. (lot ,50 cents. STEPS TOWARDS HEAVEN. By Rev. Chauncey Giles. no. man. 1. Repentance ................................... - 16 ‘ 2. Howto Repent ............................................................................. 16 3. The Relation of Re entance to the Forgiveness of Sin.. 16 4. Hatingn Father Mot er, and ourown Souls, a Condition orgalv a- .................................. 16 5. Losing Life by Saving it: Finding Life by Losing it. ............ . 16 6. The Remnant the First Step towards Heaven ............................. . 16 7. Temptation: Its Cause, Nature, and Use 16 8. Counting the Cost ...................................................................... - l6 9. What Heaven is W here it is; How we enter it ........................ 10. How we become the Lord’s Children ......... 16 Sm’es complete, bound in Limp Gwen, 25 cents, post-paid. NATURE AND REVELATION. By "on. T. A. Plants. so. Mons. 1. Nature and Revelation... 24 2. The Creation of Heaven and Earth ...... 20 3. The Creation of the Firmameut ................... 20 4. The Creation of Grass, Herbs, and Fruit-Trees .......... . .................... 20 5. The Creation of the Sun, Moon, and Stars... ............... ........ . ...... 2) 6. The Creation of Fowls and Fish»: 24 7. The Creation of Animals and Man ...... 24 8. The Sabbath. ......... 24 Series cmnpletc, bound in Limp Cbt'era, 25 cam, post-paid.