Page:Evolution and Natural Selection in the Light of the New Church.djvu/23

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u-n-t 'z woomqmayppyo 12. 2 NE W CHURCH TRA CTS. (rrs'rn sums.) THE GARDEN OF EDEN. By Bev. Chauncey Giles. non. The Garden of Eden: Where it is. and What it is... ....................... 16 The Tree of Life the S mbol of Divine Love ................................ 16 The Rivers of Eden a ymbol of Divine Truth 16 The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil ............................. 16 . The Origin of Life: Adam Naming the Animal- 16 . Man' 3 Deep Slee His Rib made nto W oma ............................. 16 . The Serpent an the Woman: The Tempter and the Tempted ..... 16 . The Curse upon the Serpm1 16 . The Curse upon the Woman ........................... . ............................ 16 . The Curse upon Man 16 . The Expulsion from Eden ............ 16 The Cherubim and the Flaming Sword _ ...... 16 Series complete, bound in Limp 00m 8, 25 cents, post-paid. (ELEVENTH SERIES.) LABOR AND CAPITAL. By Bey. Chauncey Giles. nan. Labor as a Curse and as a Blessing 16 The Conflict between Labor and Capital: Its Cause and Remedy. 16 Mechanical Em lo ments as Means of Human Culture ............... 20 'T The Curse and t :0 lessing of Riches 22 Series complete, bound in Limp Covers. 15 cents, post-paid. (rwer-rn sEarm.) NEW SERMONS. By Rev. Chauncey Giles. mans. 1. From the Earthly to the Heavenly Home ..................................... 2. How the Lord Prepares a Place for us in the Heavenly Mansions. 16 3. Goin to the Father 16 4. The irth of Jesus Christ 15 . 6. The Husbandman the Vine, and the Branches ......................... . 16 6. How to Gain the Le est and Most Precious Good ..................... 16 7. Human Beauty: Its ri in Nature, and Means of Perfection ..... 16 8. Useful Labor a Means o Spiritual Culture... ................. ... ... 9. The Ministry of Flower- 16 10. The Lord Knocking at the Door 16 11. The Si is which Follow Relief ...... 16 12. Natura Blindness a Type of Spiritual Blindness ....................... 16 13. The New Covenant ............. .. 19 14. The Keys of the Kin dam of Heaven 19 16. The New Age of Ch stian Thought and T H‘- 24 16.11617 Anointing the Lord's Fee . 16