Page:Fair Rents Act, 1915 (nsw).djvu/2

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Fair Rents Act.

George V,
No. 66.

Interpretation and application of Act.

Definitions2. In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears,—

"Court" means any court constituted under this Act.
"Dwelling-house" means any premises leased wholly or partially for residence by a lessee, and includes any part of any such premises separately leased, and any land or appurtenances leased with such premises or such part thereof.
"Rates" mean any charges levied by a municipality or shire or by the Metropolitan Board of Water Supply and Sewerage or the Hunter District Water Supply and Sewerage Board.
"Lease" included, subject to the limitations of section three, every letting of a dwelling-house whether oral, in writing, or by deed.
"Lessor" and "lessee" mean the parties to a "lease" as herein defined and respectively include a mesne lessor and a mesne lessee.
"Registrar" means registrar appointed under this Act.
"Rent" includes—
(a) any bonus paid or to be paid by the lessee to his lessor.
(b) the value to the lessor of any covenants or conditions in or relating to the lease to be performed by the lessee other than usual covenants and conditions.
(c) any rates or taxes payable by the lessee in respect of the dwelling-house, but excepting excess water rates, garbage, and sanitary charges if paid by the tenant.
"Tax" includes any tax whether on land or on income derived from land imposed by the laws of the State or Commonwealth.
Where in any lease made after the first day of August, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, it is provided that a reduced amount, as rent, shall be accepted by the lessor upon any condition to be performed by the lessee, such reduced amount shall be taken to be the "rent" under the lease; and if any