Page:Fair Rents Act, 1915 (nsw).djvu/3

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Fair Rents Act.

George V,
No. 66.

rebate, discount, allowance, or other reduction from any rent is provided for in any such lease, the "rent" shall be deemed to be the amount payable by the lessee after every such reduction is made.

Application of Act3. (1) This Act shall apply to any dwelling-house which is subject to a lease made before or after the commencement of this Act, for any term not exceeding three years, at a rent not exceeding one hundred and fifty-six pounds a year, or a proportionate sum for a less period, or which at any time during a period of six months before the passing of this Act has been let at a rent not exceeding the above-mentioned amount: Provided that nothing herein contained shall apply to dwelling-houses ordinarily leased for summer residence.
(2) This Act shall apply within the localities appointed by the Governor and proclaimed in the Gazette.
(3) This Act shall bind the Crown.

Fair rents court.

Constitution of court4. There shall be fair rents courts under this Act, and each shall consist of a stipendiary or police magistrate who shall be appointed by the Governor upon the recommendation of the Public Service Board. Such courts shall sit at such times and places as the Governor shall direct.

Appointment of officers5. The Governor, upon the recommendation of the Public Service Board, shall appoint a registrar of each court and such other officers as may be necessary for carrying out the provisions of this Act.

Application to court.

Application to determine rent.6. (1) Any lessor or any lessee who has paid or tendered all rent due and payable under his lease, may apply to the court to have the fair rent of the dwelling-house leased by or to him determined by the court.
(2) The application shall be made to the registrar and shall be in the form prescribed.
(3) The court shall hear the application and determine the fair rent. In all cases the rent so determined shall be the rent of the dwelling-house as from a date not earlier than the date of such application.
