Page:Faith's plea upon God's covenant (3).pdf/13

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( 13 )

Why, here is an article of the covenant: 'I will ſprinkle
clean water upon you, and ye ſhall be clean, from all your
filthineſs, and from all your idols will I cleanſe you.' ver.
25. O then, go to God for cleanſing, and plead, ſaving. O
Lord, 'Have reſpect to the covenant.' Have you the old
hard ſtony heart ſtill within you, and would you have it re-
newed and ſoftened? Here is an article of the covenant. A
new heart will I give you, and a new ſpirit will I put with
in you: I will take away the Stony heart out of
and I will give you an heart of fleſh.' O then, go to God,
and plead it ſaying, Have reſpect to the covenant. Are
you deſtitute of the Spirit ; ſenſual, not having the Spirit?
Do you find ſuch a want of the Spirit, that you cannot
walk in God's way? Well, there is an article of the cove-
nant here, ver. 27. 'I will put my Spirit within you, and
cauſe you to walk in my ſtatutes.' O plead for this great
bleſſing, and ſay, Lord, Have reſpect to the covenant.'
In a word, when you conſider what kind of a ſinner you
are, conſider alſo what kind of a covenant this is; it is e-
nough to ſay, that it is a covenant of grace, of all ſort of
grace; for all ſorts of ſinners that are out of hell. Are you.
under dreadful guile? Here is a covenant of pardoning grace,
I will blot out thy ſin as a cloud and thy tranſgreſſion as
a thick cloud : return to me for I have redeemed thee,' Isa.
xliv. 22. O then plead he may have reſpect to the cove-
nant.' Are you under fearful pollutions? O here is a
covenant of purifying grace, ſaying, "There is a fountain
opened to the houſe of David and the inhabitants of Jeru-
ſalem for an and for uncleanneſs.' O then plead be may
have reſpect to the covenant. Are you in darkneſs and ig-
norance, having no knowledge of God? O here is cove-
nant or enlightning grace, ſaying, “They ſhall be all taught
of God.' O then plead it, ſaying, Lord. Have reſpect to
the covenant.' Are you under deadneſs, and like dead and
dry bones? O here is covenant of quickening grace, ſay-
ing, I am come to give life, and to give more abundant-
Iv. The hour cometh when the dead ſhall hear the voice of
the Son of God, and they that hear ſhall live,' O then,
plead that he may have reſpect to the covenant. Are you
in confuſion, and know not what way to take? O here is
a covenant of directing grace, ſaying, I will bring the
blind by a way they know not; I will lead them in paths
that they have not known; I will make darkneſs light be