Page:Faith's plea upon God's covenant (3).pdf/14

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( 14 )

fore them, and crooked things ſtraight. Are you under
fad plagues and ſoul diſeaſes, over-run with sores, from the
crown of the head to the ſole of the foot ? O here is a co-
venant of healing grace, ſaying, “The Sun of Righteouſ-
neſs ſhall ariſe with healing in his wings. I am the Lord
that healeth thee; I will heal your backſlidings." O then,
plead, ſaying, Lord, 'Have reſpect to the covenant. Are
you in extreme danger of hell and damnation, becauſe of
your sin and guilt? O here is a covenant of delivering
grace, ſaying, Deliver his foul from going down to the
pit, for I have found a ranſom. O then plead it, and ſay,
Lord, Have reſpect to the covenant Are you in bond-
age unto sin, Satan, and the world, a captive unto luſts,
and ſhut up in unbelief as in a priſon? O here is a cove-
nant of liberating grace ! proclaiming liberty to the cap-
tives, and the opening of the priſon to them that are
Bound.' Are you a ſtupid ſoul that cannot move toward
God, nor ſtir heaven-ward, by reaſon of a backward will
like a brazen gate that reſiſts all the force of moving
means? Well, but, O! here is a covenant of drawing
grace, ſaying, "When I am lifted up, I will draw all men
after me.' As the power and virtue of the load ſtone
draws iron, ſo the virtue of an exalted Chriſt draws the
iron bar of the will. Thy people ſhall be willing in the
day of thy power,' then, plead it, ſaying, Lord, ' Have
reſpect to the covenant.
What other concerns have you?- Are you concerned
for your children, that they may be partakers of covenant
bleſſings, and ſaved of the Lord ? o here is a covenant of
extenſive grace intailing bleſſings on us and our offspring,
ſaying, I will be thy God, and the God of thy seed.' O
then, look to God in behalf of your children, ſaying,
Lord, Have reſpect to the covenant. Are you concern-
ed for the church, and the dangerous circumſtances ſhe is
into by reaſon of cruel enemies? This ſeems to be the
great concern of the pſalmiſt here, as appears from the
body of the pſalm, and the words following the text:
For the dark places of the earth are full of the habita-
tions of cruelty. There that live in darkneſs of igno-
rance and error, and in the works of darkneſs, are full of
cruelty againſt the church and people of God, and they
are ſurrounded with them, inſomuch that the church is
like a lily among thorns,' or a ſheep among wolves,'