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Faith's Plea upon

that reigns through that righteouſneſs to eternal life. Have reſpect to thy truth and faithfulneſs; that ſhines in accompliſhing all the promiſes of the covenant, upon the ground of Chriſt's having fulfilled the condition. Have reſpect unto thy eternity and immutability, in the unchangeableneſs of the covenant; ſhew that thou art God, and changeſt not. Thus have reſpect to thyſelf.

2. When he hath reſpect to the covenant, he hath reſpect to his Son, Chriſt, the centre of it, and in whom it ſtands faſt as he owns, Pſal lxxxix. 28. 'My covenant ſhall ſtand faſt with him.' Why then, the ſtrength of the plea is 'have reſpect to the covenant,' and ſo ſhew reſpect to thy Son; have reſpect to him in his perſon, as he is thy Son and our Saviour; Emanuel, God-man; in his divinity, wherein he is equal with God; in his humanity, wherein he is the Maſter-piece of God's works. Have reſpect to him in his purchaſe, which is the ſubſtance of the covenant bought with his blood. Have reſpect to his death and reſurrection; for thou loveſt him on this account, John x. 17; 'Therefore doth the Father love me, becauſe I lay down my life, that I may take it up again:' where we ſee that Chriſt, as dying and riſing in the room of his people, is the object of the Father's love, delight and eſteem. Have reſpect unto his interceſſion, wherein he prays for all the bleſſings of the covenant that he hath purchaſed: Doth not the Father hear him always? Have reſpect to his commiſſion which is ſealed by thee; for 'him hath God the Father ſealed,' appointed, and authorized unto all ſaving offices, relations, and appearances, let him get the glory of all theſe. O ſtrong plea!

3. When he hath reſpect to the covenant, he
