hath reſpect to his Spirit, the great applier of the covenant bleſſings, and executor of the Teſtament, ſealed with the blood of Chriſt, and by whom covenant-love is ſhed abroad upon the heart, Rom. v. 5. Why then the ſtrength of the plea is, 'have reſpect to the covenant;' that is, have reſpect to thy own Spirit, that he may get the glory of applying by his power, what Chriſt hath purchaſed by his blood. Have reſpect to the Promiſe, of the Spirit that thou haſt made, that 'when he is come he ſhall convince the world of ſin, righteouſneſs, and judgment,' and teſtify of Chriſt, and glorify Chriſt, by ſhewing the things of Chriſt. Have reſpect to the offices of the Spirit, as he is a convincer, ſanctifier, and comforter, according to the order and method of the covenant. Have reſpect to the honour of the Spirit, who is the all in all of the covenant, in point of power, and powerful manifeſtation, communication, and operation.––— Have reſpect to the relations of the Spirit, as he is the Spirit of the Father, and of the Son, the Spirit of the covenant, and of all the covenanted feed. Hence,
4. When he hath reſpect to the covenant, he hath reſpect to his people on the account of the covenant of promiſe; for they, as Iſaac was, 'are the children of promiſe;' Gal. iv. 28. Why then, the ſtrength of the plea and argument here is, Lord, have reſpect to the covenant,' and ſo ſhew regard and reſpect to us. We have no confidence to claim any reſpect at thy hand, but merely upon the account of the reſpect thou haſt to the covenant. Have reſpect to our perſons on this ground, ſince the covenant provides acceptance 'in the beloved,' Eph. i. 6. Look upon us in the face of thine anointed, and in the glaſs of the new covenant.