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[ 26 ]

At that time was already dead Brother I. O. and Fra. D. but their burial place, where is it to be found? we doubt not but our Fra. Senior hath the ſame, and ſome eſpecial thing layd in Earth, and perhaps likewiſe hidden: we alſo hope that this our Example will ſtir up others more deligently to enquire after their names (whom we have therefore publiſhed) and to ſearch for the place of their burial; for the moſt part of them, by reaſon of their practice and phyſick, are yet known, and praiſed among very old folks; ſo might perhaps our Gaza be enlarged, or at leaſt be better cleared.

Concerning Minutum Mundum, we found it kept in another little Altar, truly more finer then can be imagined by any underſtanding man, but we will leave him undeſcribed, untill we ſhal truly be anſwered upon this our true hearted Famam; and ſo we have covered it again with the plates, and ſet the altar thereon, ſhut the door, and made it ſure, with all our ſeals; beſides by inſtruction and command of our Rota, there are come to ſight ſome books, among which is contained
