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H. (which were made in ſtead of houſhold care by the praiſe-worthy M. P.). Finally we departed the one from the other, and left the natural heirs in poſſeſſion of our Jewels. And ſo we do expect the anſwer and judgment of the learned, or unlearned.
Howbeit we know after a time there wil now be a general reformation, both of divine and humane things, according to our deſire, and the expectation of others: for it’s fitting, that before the riſing of the Sun, there ſhould appear and break forth Aurora, or ſome clearneſs, or divine light in the sky; and ſo in the mean time ſome few, which ſhall give their names, may joyn together, thereby to increaſe the number and reſpect of our Fraternity, and make a happy and wiſhed for beginning of our Philoſophical Canons, preſcribed to us by our brother R. C. and be partakers with us of our treaſures (which never can fail or be waſted) in all humility, and love to be eaſed of this worlds labor, and not walk ſo blindly in the knowledge of the wonderful works of God.
But that alſo every Chriſtian may know