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of, which doth manifeſt and declare ſufficiently Man; whereof then all Learned who will make themſelves known unto us, and come into our brotherhood, ſhall finde more wonderful ſecrets by us then heretofore they did attain unto, and did know, or are able to believe or utter.
Wherefore, to declare briefly our meaning hereof, we ought to labor carefully that there be not onely a wondering at our meeting and adhortation, but that likewiſe every one may know, that although we do highly eſteem and regard ſuch myſteries and ſecrets, we nevertheleſs hold it fit, that the knowledge thereof be manifeſted and revealed to many.
For it is to be taught and believed, that this our unhoped willing offer wil raiſe many and divers thoughts in men, unto whom (as yet) be unknown Miranda ſextæ ætatis, or thoſe which by reaſon of the courſe of the world, eſteem the things to come like unto the preſent, and are hindred through all manner of importunities of this their time, ſo that they live no otherwiſe in the world, then blinde fools, who can, in the clear Sun-ſhine day, diſ-