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cern and know nothing, then onely by feeling.
Now concerning the firſt part, we hold this, that the Meditations, knowledge and inventions of our loving Chriſtian Father (of all that, which from the beginning of the world, Mans Wiſdom, either through Gods Revelation, or through the ſervice of the Angels and ſpirits, or through the ſharpneſs and deepneſs of underſtanding, or through long obſervation, uſe and experience, hath found out, invented, brought forth, corrected, and till now hath been propagated & tranſplanted) are ſo excellent worthy and great, that if all books ſhould periſh, and by Gods almighty ſuffrance, all writings, & all learning ſhould be loſt, yet the poſterity will be able onely thereby to lay a new foundation, and bring truth to light again; the which perhaps would not be ſo hard to do as if one ſhould begin to pull down and deſtroy the old ruinous building, and then begin to enlarge the fore Court, afterwards bring the lights in the Lodgings, and then change the doors, ſtaples and other things according to our intention.