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cretion, that we offer our Treaſures ſo freely, and without any difference to all men, and do not rather regard and reſpect more the godly, learned, wiſe, or princely perſons, then the common people; thoſe we do not contradict, ſeeing it is not a ſlight and eaſie matter; but withall we ſignifie ſo much, that our Arcana or Secrets will no ways be common, and generally made known: Although the Fama be ſet forth in five languages, and is manifeſted to every one, yet we do partly very well know, that the unlearned and groſs wits will not receive, nor regard the ſame; as alſo the worthineſs of thoſe who ſhall be accepted into our Fraternity are not eſteemed and known of us by Mans Carefulneſs, but by the Rule of our Revelation and Manifeſtation. Wherefore if the unworthy cry and call a thouſand times, or if they ſhall offer and preſent themſelves to us a thouſand times, yet God hath commanded our ears, that they ſhould hear none of them: yea, God hath ſo compaſſed us about with his Clouds, that unto us his ſervants no violence or force can be done or com-