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[ 40 ]

(which heretofore have been, and are now, and hereafter ſhal come out) hath been, is, and ſhal be learned, and found out of them?

How pleaſant were it, that you could ſo ſing, that in ſtead of ſtony rocks you could draw to the pearls and precious ſtones, in ſtead of wilde beaſts, ſpirits, and in ſtead of helliſh Pluto, move the mighty Princes of the world?

O ye people, Gods counſel is far otherwiſe, who hath concluded now to encreaſe and enlarge the number of our Fraternity, the which we with ſuch joy have undertaken, as we have heretofore obtained this great treaſure without our merits, yea without any our hopes, and thoughts; and purpoſe with the like fidelity to put the ſame in practice, that neither the compaſſion nor pity of our own children (which ſome of us in the Fraternity have) ſhal draw us from it, becauſe we know that theſe unhoped for goods cannot be inherited, nor by chance be obtained.

If there be ſome body now, which on the other ſide wil complain of our diſ-
