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awake out of her heavy and drowſie ſleep, and with an open heart, bare-head and bare-foot, ſhall merrily and joyfully meet the now ariſing Sun.
Theſe Characters and Letters, as God hath here and there incorporated them in the holy Scripture the Bible, ſo hath he imprinted them moſt apparently into the wonderful Creation of Heaven and Earth, yea in all Beaſts. So that like as the Mathematician or Aſtronomer can long before ſee and know the Eclipſes which are to come, ſo we may verily fore-know and fore-ſee the darkneſs of Obſcurations of the Church, and how long they ſhall laſt: From the which Characters or Letters we have borrowed our Magick writing, and have found out, and made a new Language for our ſelves, in the which withall is expreſſed and declared the Nature of all Things: So that it is no wonder that we are not ſo eloquent in other Languages, the which we know that they are altogether diſagreeing to the Languages of our forefathers, Adam and Enoch, and were through the Babylonical Confuſion wholly hidden.