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But we muſt alſo let you underſtand; that there are yet ſome Eagles Feathers in our way, the which do hinder our purpoſe. Wherefore we do admoniſh every one for to read diligently and continually the holy Bible; for he that taketh all his pleaſures therein, he ſhall know that he prepared for himſelf an excellent way to come in to our Fraternity: For as this is the whole ſum and content of our Rule, That every Letter or Character which is in the World ought to be learned and regarded well; ſo thoſe are like into us, and are very near allyed unto us, who do make the holy Bible a Rule of their life, and an aim and end of all their ſtudies; yea to let it be a Compendium and Content of the whole World: And not only to have it continually in the mouth, but to know how to apply and direct the true underſtanding of it to all times and Ages of the World. Alſo, it is not our Cuſtom to proſtitute and make ſo common the holy Scriptures; for here are innumerable Expounders of the ſame; ſome alledging and wreſting it to ſerve for their Opinion, ſome to