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we be earneſt to attain to the underſtanding and knowledg of Philoſophy. And moreover, excellent Wits ought not to be drawn to the Tincture of Mettals, before they be exerciſed well in the knowledg of Nature. He muſt needs be an unſatiable Creature, who is come ſo far, that neither Poverty nor Sickneſs can hurt him; yea, who is exalted above all other men, and hath Rule over that, the which doth anguiſh, trouble, and pain others, yet will give himſelf again to idle things, as to build houſes, make Wars, and uſe all manner of Pride, becauſe he hath of Gold and Silver infinite ſtore.
God is far otherwiſe pleaſed, for he exalteth lowly, and pulleth down the proud with diſdain; to thoſe which are of few words he ſendeth his holy Angel to ſpeak with them, but the unclean Bablers he driveth in the Wilderneſs and ſolitary places: The which is the right Reward of the Romiſh Seducers, who have vomited forth their Blaſphemies againſt Christ, and as yet do not abſtain from their Lyes in the clear ſhining