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[ 52 ]

Light: In Germany all their Abominations and deteſtable Tricks have been diſcloſed, that thereby he may fully fulfill the meaſure of ſin, and draw near to go the end of his puniſhment. Therefore one day it will come to paſs, that the Mouth of thofe Vipers will be ſtopped, and the three double Horn will be brought to nought, as thereof at our Meeting ſhall more plain and at large be diſcourſed.

For Concluſiono of our Confeßion, we muſt earneſtly admoniſh you, that you put away, if not all, yet the moſt Books written by falſe Alchimiſts, who do think it but a Jeſt, or a Paſtime, when they either miſuſe the holy Trinity, when they do apply it to vain things, or deceive the people with moſt ſtrange Figures, and dark Sentences and Speeches, and cozen the ſimple of their money; as there are now a-days too many ſuch Books ſet forth, which the Enemy of Mans Welfare doth dayly, and will to the end, mingle among the good Seed, thereby to make the Truth more difficult to be beleeved, which in her ſelf is
