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ſimple, eaſie, and naked; but contrarily Falſhood is proud, haughty, and coloured with a kind of Luftre of ſeeming godly and of humane Wiſdom. Ye that are wiſe eſchew ſuch Books, and turn unto us, who ſeek not your moneys, but offer unto you moſt willingly our great Treaſures: We hunt not after your Goods with invented lying Tinctures, but deſire to make you Partakers of our Goods: We ſpeak unto you by Parables, but would willingly bring you to the right, ſimple, eaſie, and ingenuous expoſition, Underſtanding, Declaration and Knowledg of all Secrets. We deſire not to be received of you, but invite you unto our more then Kingly Houſes and Palaces, and that verily not oy own proper motion, but (that you likewiſe may know it) as forced unto it, by the Inſtigation of the Spirit of God, by his Admonition,and by the Occaſion of this preſent time.
What think you, loving people, and now ſeem you affected, ſeeing that you now underſtand and know, That we acknowledg our ſelves truly and ſincerely