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not one in ten thouſand knows, and yet we are all Philoſophers.
But to come to my purpoſe, I ſay, the true Philoſophers did find in every Compound a double Compexion, Circumferential, and Central. The Circumferential was corrupt in all things, but in ſome things altoether venomous: The Central not ſo, for in the Center of every thing there was a perfect Unity, a miraculous indiſſoluble Concord of Fire and Water. Theſe two Complexions are the Manifeſtum and the Occultum of the Arabians, and they reſiſt one another, for they are Contraries. In the Center it ſelf they found no Diſcords at all, for the Difference of Spirits conſiſted not in Qualities, but in Degrees of Eſſence and Tranſcendency. As for the Water, it was of kin with the Fire, for it was not common, but æthereal. In all Centers this Fire was not the ſame, for in ſome it was only a Solar Spirit, and ſuch a Center was called, Aqua Solis, Aqua Cœleſtis, Aqua Auri, & Argenti: In ſome again the Spirit was more then Solar, for it was ſuper-cœleſtial, and Metaphyſical: This Spirit purged the very rational Soul, and