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awakened her Root that was aſleep, and therefore ſuch a Center was called, Aqua Igne tincta, Aqua Serenans, Candelas accendens, & Domum illuminans. Of both theſe Waters have I diſcourſed in thoſe ſmall Tractures I have publiſhed; and though I have had ſome Dirt caſt at me for my pains, yet this is ſo ordinary I mind it not, for whiles we live here we ride in a High-way. I cannot think him wiſe who reſents his Injuries, for he ſets a rate upon things that are worthleß, and makes uſe of his Spleen where his Scorn becomes him. This is the Entertainment I provide for my Adverſaries, and if they think it too coarſe, let them judg where they underſtand, and they may fare better.