The Preface.
their Election. At the Age of eighteen years the perſon to be elected comes to the River Hyphaſis, and there meets with thoſe Wiſe men, for whoſe ſake even you alſo Apollonius are come into theſe parts. There he doth publiquely profeſs a very ardent deſire and affection to Philoſophy; for ſuch as are otherwiſe diſpoſed, are left to their own Liberty, to follow what Profeſſion they pleaſe. This done, the next conſideration is, whether he be deſcended of honeſt parents or no; and here they look back even to three Generations, that by the Diſpoſition and Qualities of the Anceſtors, they may gueſs at thoſe of the Child. If they find them to have been men of a known Integrity, then they proceed to his Admiſſion; but firſt they try him, and prove him with ſeveral Tentations. For example, Whether he be naturally modeſt, or rather acts a counterfeit Baſhfulneſs for a time, being otherwiſe impudent and laſcivious: Whether he be ſottiſh and gluttonous, or no: Whether he be of an inſolent bold ſpirit, and may prove Re-