The Preface.
fractory, and diſobedient to his Tutors? Now thoſe that are appointed to examine him, have the skill to read his Qualities in his countenance; for the Eyes diſcover moſt of mens Manners, and in the Brows and Cheeks there are many excellent Indicia, whereby Wiſe men, and ſuch as are skill’d in the Myſteries of Nature, may diſcover our minds and diſpoſitions, as Images are diſcovered in a glaſs. And certainly ſince Philoſophy amongſt the Indians is had in very great Honor, it is neceſſary that thoſe who would know the ſecrets of it, ſhould be tempted and proved by all poſſible Tryels, before ever they be admitted. This was then the Diſcipline of the Brachmans, and indeed of all the Magi in the Election and Proof of their Pupils. But all this was News to Apollonius, and therefore he asks Phraotes, if theſe Wiſe-men, mentioned in his Diſcourſe, were of the ſame order with thoſe, who did ſometimes meet Alexander the Great, and had ſome Conference with him σεὶ τῦ ὀυραῶ, concerning Heaven, for it ſeems they were Aſtrolo-