The Preface.
languages, could not underſtand the language of the Prince; and ſo far was he from knowing his ſecret thoughts, that he did not know in how many languages he could expreſs thoſe thoughts: for when the Prince was pleaſed to expreſs himſelf in the Greek Tongue, Tyaneus was quite dejected, and did much wonder how he came to be a Maſter of that Dialect. Now if any man will ſay, that the Brachmans did impart their Myſteries to him, it is apparent enough they did not. This is it which even Damis tells us: for Apollonius (ſaith he) requeſted nothing of the Brachmans, but certain Divinatory Tricks, by which he might foretell things to come. And here Jarchas takes occaſion to diſcourſe with him about Revelations, for he ſpeaks not of any Prognoſticating Knacks, which this Greek did look after. He tells him then, that he judg’d him a moſt happy man, who could obtain any Fore-knowledg at the hands of God, and preach that to the Ignorant, which he did already foreſee. As for Rules to divine by, he preſcribes not any, for it