The Preface.
was too groſs an Error for ſuch a Philoſopher as Himſelf: He only tells him, That he ſhould lead a pure life, and keep himſelf ſpotleſs from the Fleſh. One paſſage indeed there is, which I cannot omit: Jarchas informs Apollonius, that of all Gifts imparted to Man by Revelation, μέγις ον τὸ τῆς ἱατρικῆς δῶς ον; The chiefeſt (ſaid he) is the Gift of Healing, or Medicine. But this Heavenly, and moſt Beneficial Truth, Apollonius was not ſenſible of: for he was ſo great a ſtranger to the Secrets of Nature, that he did not know what to ask for. For my own part, if I durſt think him a Philoſopher, I ſhould ſeat him with the Stoics; for he was a great Maſter of Moral Severities, and this is all the Character I can give him. As for Philoſtratus, if we were not even with him, I ſhould think we had much abuſed us: for when he pen’d his Hiſtory, he allow’d us no Diſcretion, who were to come after him. I could be ſorry for ſome Abſurdities he hath faſtened on Jarchas, did not the Principles of that glorious Brachman refute them. What they are, I ſhall not tell you, for I am confin’d to a