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The Preface.

Buſhel of Salt with him. They tell us then, that the Fire and Spirit of God did work upon the Earth and the Water; and out of them did the Spirit extract a pure clear Subſtance, which they call the Terreſtrial Heaven: in this Heaven the Spirit (ſay they) ſeated himſelf, impreßing his Image therein: and out of this Heavenly clarified Extract, impregnated with the Influx and Image of the Spirit, was form’d that moſt noble Creature, whom we call Man. This firſt matter of Man (as they deſcribe it) was a liquid tranſparent Salt, a certain bright Earth, purified by a ſupernatural Agent, and temper’d with a ſtrange unctuous Humidity, enlightened with all the Tinctures of the Sun and Stars. It was and is the Minera of all Creatures; and this Society doth acknowledg it to be their very Baſis, and the firſt Gate that leads to all their Secrets. This Earth of Water (call it which you will, for it is both) naturally produceth their Agent, but it comes not to their hands without Art. By their Agent I underſtand their Fire, commonly called Mas Aquæ, Vulcanus, Sol inviſi-
