The Preface.
Wiſdom and Light were firſt manifeſted in the ſame parts, namely, in the Eaſt, where the firſt Man planted: and hence did the World receive not only their Religion, but their Philoſophy, for Cuſtom hath diſtinguiſhed thoſe Two. From this Fountain alſo, this living, Oriental One, did the Brothers of R. C. draw their wholeſom Waters: for their Founder received his Principles at Damcar in Arabia, as their Fama will inſtruct you at large. It was not amiß then, if I ſpent my hour in that bright Region, and payd a weak Gratitude to thoſe Primitive Benefactors: for ’tis a Law with me, Qui aquam hauris, puteum corona. But that I may come at laſt to the Subject intended, I ſhall confeſs for my pary, I have no acquaintance with this Fraternity as to their Perſons; but their Doctrine I am not ſo much a ſtranger to. And here, for the Readers ſatisfaction, I ſhall ſpeak ſomething of it, not that I would diſcover or point at any particulars: for that’s a kindneſs (as they themſelves profeß) which they have not for any man, niſi abſumpto Salis Modio, till they firſt eat a