The Preface.
you bring his parts together, after they are ſeparated, then will not he be quiet, but run from one Complexion to another, from this Colour to that: as from Green to Red, from Red to Black, from Black to a Million of Colours, and theſe miraculous Alterations will not ceaſe, till he hath work’d out his own Reſurrection, and hath clearly brought himſelf to a Super-natural Temperature. I ſay then that Salt is the true Grain, the Seed not onely of this world, but of the next, and it is the Myſtery that God hath made. It is a living water, wherein there dwels a divine Fire, and this Fire binds the parts thereof to himſelf, coagulates them, and ſtops their flux, and Salt is the water, that wets not the Hand. This Fire is the life, and therefore it hinders Death; nay it is ſuch a preſervative againſt is, that the very groſs Body of Salt prevents Corruption, whereſoever it comes. But if any man would fully know the power of this Fire, let him wiſely and effectually diſlodge him, let him deſtroy his Habitation, and then he ſhall ſee, what courſe this