The Preface.
Artiſt will take, to repair his own Houſe. Do not think now that I ſpeak of common Salts, though I confeß they are great Medicines, if rightly prepared.
I told thee formerly, there were ſeveral ſorts of Salts, and here I would have thee cucy leſt thy labours ſhould end with that Complaint of the Chimiſt in Sendilogius: Lapidem (ſaith he) amiſſum replorabat, & maximè condolebat, quod Saturnum non interrogaverit, quale sal hoc fuerit, cum tot varia Genera Salium reperiantur. I ſhall adviſe thee then to conſider the ſeveral Diviſions of the Chaos, which I have formerly mention’d out of Raymund Lully, for the matter as it is there deſcrib’d, is not ſubject to many Complexions, and therefore thy Miſtakes cannot be many. And now let us touch at the Treaſures of our Saltiſh liquor, and our liquid Salt. Veniamus quæſo (ſaith one) ad illum ſpiritûs, ſeu Aquæ gradum, qui nobis ſenſibilior, magiſque familiaris eſt; Naturæq; æreæ veſtiga diligenti Inquiſitione ſcrutemur, in cujus Occulto mirabilia