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The Preface.

the Matter. Now the Anima Mundi hath of the fixed ſtarrs, her particular Forms, the Seminal Conceptions anſwerable to the Ideas of the Divine minde: and here doth ſhe firſt receive thoſe ſpiritual Powers and Influence, which originally proceed from God. From this place they are conveyed to the Planets, eſpecially to the Sun and Moon, and theſe two great Lights impart them to the Air, and from the Air they paß down to the Belly or Matrix of the Earth in prolific, ſpirited Winds and Waters. Seeing then that the Viſible Heavens receive the Brightneſs of the Spiritual World, and this Earth the Brightneſs of the Viſible Heavens, why may not we find ſomething on Earth, which takes in this Brightneſs, and comprehend in it half the Powers of the two ſuperior Worlds? Now if there be ſuch a Subject to be found, I ſuppoſe it will not be denyed, but the Powers of the Angelical and Celeſtial Worlds are very ſtrange Powers, and what that is which they cannot do, is hard to determine. The Subject then is the Salt I have ſpoken of formerly, it is the
