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The Preface.

Body of the Univerſal Spirit, Ὄχημα, κὶ αἰθερῶδες σῶμα τ≡ πλας ικ≡ λόγε. It is the Sperm of Nature, which ſhe prepares for her own Light, as if we ſhould prepare Oyl for a Lamp. A ſtrange Subſtance it is, but very common, and of ſome Philoſophers moſt properly called, Salina virens, & Mirabilis. And here it will not be amiß to ſpeak ſomething of the Cabaliſts Linea viridis, or green Line, a Myſtery not rightly apprehended even by ſome of the Mekkubalim, but certainly the Modern Rabbins know it not at all. It is the laſt Midah or Propriety of the Sephiroths, for it receives and includes all the Influences of the Sphirſtical Order. It compaſſeth the Heavens, and in them the Earth, like a green Rain-bow, or one vaſt Sphere of Viridity, and from this Viridity the divine Influences are ſhowr’d down like Rain through the Æther into the Globes of the fixed Stars: for what the Air is to the Globe of the Earth, ſuch is the Æther to the Globes of the Stars, and here lies a Secret of the Mekkubalim, for they tell us, there is a double Venus, in duplici Aere.
