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The Preface.

ſelves, that as Nature by the Vegetable ſeed, did multiply Vegetables, ſo might they alſo by the Minerall ſeed, multiply Minerals. When they had found out the ſeed, they practic’d upon it ſeveral wayes: they did ſhut it up in Glaſſes, keeping it in a moſt equall temperate heat, for many moneths together, but all was to no purpoſe. Then did they fancy another Courſe, for they buried it in the Earth, and left it there for a long time, but without any ſucceſs. At laſt they conſidered, God without all queſtion begin their Guide, that Nature had for every ſeed a Veſſel of her own, and that all her Veſſels were but ſeveral ſorts of Earth: For example, The Vegetable Seed had the Common Earth for his Veſſel, for therein Nature did ſow it. The Animal Sperm had the Fleſh for his, and fleſh is but a ſoft animated Earth, as it appears in the Diſſolution of the Body. They ſaw plainly then, that both theſe Veſſels were not appointed for the Mineral Sperm, they were too cold for it, and common fire was too hot; or if it were well regulated, yet could it not alter the Sperm,
