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The Preface.

for it had not the Qualities of a Matrix. Then did they try ſeveral new Heats: they expoſed their Matter to the Sun, they buried it in Dunghills and beds of Quick-lime, they placed their Glaſſes in the Moon-beams, they invented new Baths, they made uſe of ſand, aſhes, and filings of Iron, they burnt Oyl, and fancied all ſorts of Lamps, but all this was Error, and it ended in a troubleſom Nothing. Now all theſe Falſities ſhall a man meet with in their Books; for when they had found out the Mineral Veſſel, and eſpecially the ſecond Earth, wherein they ſow’d their Mercury and Sulphur, then did they ſo confound the Work, that it is almoſt impoſſible to get the Preparation out of their hands. This I thought fit to touch upon, that thoſe Difficulties, which great and aſpiring Wits muſt ſtrive withall, may be the more apparent, and ſurely I think I have pretty well clear’d the way. Thus Reader have I given thee my beſt Adviſe, and now it remains thou ſhouldſt rail at me for it. It may be thou haſt a
